August 1, 2010

Propogation of The Gospel

Thanks everyone for feedback and follows. July was a banner month in terms of spiritual fruit being put forth on this blog. The Lord is gracious and it is by that grace that I continue to move forward in my ministry to others. Like everyone else I have my pitfalls and points where I stall out and it always seems to be on an upward climb (like the climb I am beginning now). I pray the effort to move forward does not jeopardize growth. Nothing comes easy in life regardless of what some have been told about thinking positive. Sometimes it takes a bit more than positive reaffirmation. I don't know what world that ideology came from but I live in a world where battles are often hard won but they are usually won and it is usually through no work of my own. I will not complain though I will praise the one that puts air in my lungs and mettle in my spine so that I can march forward with assurance and project Christ-likeness as best I can.

I cannot promise that I will be able to produce another month of 60+ posts especially with a full course-load coming in the Fall including Greek and Theology. I will do my best to help build others as I am simultaneously trying to build myself. I just know that now, every brick that is laid in my life is mortared with Christ. What I learn I pass on to others after I know it is sound teaching because I find it too valuable to keep to myself -AND- I was commanded to do otherwise. Anyone that understands horticulture understands that I am performing a form of spiritual propogation of the Gospel and God's Word which is the most efficent way that I know how to do it. To teach and to break off a little piece of myself to produce new life or as the definition of propogate implies:

Propogate: \ˈprä-pə-ˌgāt\ (verb)
(a) to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area
(b) to foster growing knowledge of, familiarity with, or acceptance of (as an idea or belief)
(c) : to transmit (as sound or light) through a medium

I do not believe it is any accident that Jesus and the Bible often use the analogy/metaphor of the "vine" when referring to Jesus or when Jesus refers to Himself. It is no accident that the idea is used often that Jesus is the Branch/Vine or the idea of Gentiles being grafted into the Vine. It certainly is no accident that vines/grapes are easily reproduced by the method of plant propogation and this parallel in particular between the plant kingdom and the spreading and growth of the Gospel for The Kingdom are often drawn. Grapes to Wine. Wine as Offering. Wine as blood. Blood for Life. Life is Atonement. Atonement is Justice. Justice for Sin, Sin from Man, so that man can have a relationship with God...

Chirst is the True Vine. The matching of pairs for this is endless and priceless...I could continue but you get the picture.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Come to think of last three posts have been about growth, reproduction of growth/The Gospel or vineyards or vines in general. I even started this post with the idea of producing spiritual fruit and I didn't even realize I had done so until just now. Strange.

1 comment:

  1. i know what you mean about the's not giving the glory to our Creator, who gives us the ability to treat our fellows positively. i think it's just some fellas without the Lord trying to fight their demons any way they can think of! & i reckon it's good for them that they want to, if their journey continues towards light & not darkness! (:D


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