What are often touted as required reading is schools should have warning labels and disclaimers. These "influential" books have led to war, genocide, totalitarian oppression, family breakdown, and disastrous social experiments. Of note...
Machiavelli's The Prince was the inspiration for a long list of tyrannies (Stalin had it on his nightstand).
Descartes' Discourse on Method "proved" God's existence only by making Him a creation of our own ego.
Hobbes' Leviathan led to the belief that we have a "right" or 'rights' to whatever we want.
Marx and Engels's Communist Manifesto could win the award for the most malicious and evil book ever written...if it wasn't for the others in this list.
How Darwin's Origin of the Species and The Descent of Man proves he intended "survival of the fittest" to be applied to human society murderously...and then subsequently was by science and other misguided godless idiots.
Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil issued the call for a world ruled solely by the "will to power" devoid of God and an absolute moral benchmark therefore making everything relative to opinion, not facts.
Hitler's Mein Kampf was a kind of "spiritualized social Darwinism" that accounts for his genocidal anti-Semitism and other demonic actions.
How the pansexual paradise described in Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa turned out to be a creation of her own sexual confusions and aspirations. Considering she was a sexual deviant this is not a good thing.
Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male was simply autobiography masquerading as science and justifying every sexual immorality and laying the groundwork for normalization of every sexual deviancy we see in society via normalizing it in Psychology and Psychiatry.
Do your homework or your just another tool for the monsters that use these books as justification for being 'educated', 'enlightened' and the 'elite'