April 19, 2019

Atheos / ἄθεος

Atheos ἄθεος
From which we get atheist/atheism. Formed from the word Theos (god) and the negator a- (without), It means no or without God. Literally… godless. Atheism is conscious choice to believe there is no god. In being a belief (because it cannot be empirically substantiated), it is understood to be a choice to believe that God doesn't exist. When given two metaphysical choices (ontological positions) ‘to believe’ constitutes an affirmation (yes) and ‘non-belief’ constitutes a negation (no). Both are claims to metaphysical knowledge. Any answers besides yes/no are therefore invalid (agnostic). Both yes/no in this context require a faith/belief because of a lack of physical evidence. It literally requires just as much belief/faith (a-priori) knowledge to make the assertion God doesn’t exist as it does to claim God does exist. Conversely, agnostic is gnosis γνῶσις meaning knowledge and a- (without). Without knowledge (of God)…Agnostics are either indecisive or not sure based on not knowing or lack of physical evidence. The issue then again becomes what type of knowledge is acceptable? Knowledge of God relies on faith in the unseen or the metaphysical (a-priori). Because most agnostics are not presented with physical evidence (a-posteriori), they will not make make a choice (not chosing is still a choice). In most cases agnostics are intellectually cowardice as they will neither commit to a belief or non-belief in the existence of God. At least atheists commit to something. 

Reference: Ephesians 2:12, Concept: Romans 1:18-23

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