July 19, 2024

A Tale of Politics and Patsies

In truth I am risking having my blogger account shut down posting these pictures as they are considerably inflammatory. My account is 14 years in the making and I’ve poured my heart and soul into it over the last 15 years. I believe it warrants getting them out to people. TikTok, Facebook and my other social media sites have been pulling them down as fast as I can put them up. So here they are. These are shots of who the media are not posting to the internet that was involved in the shooting. These are shots taken from the cams of cops on the roof from the best I can tell. They ear plugs are the giveaway. He has had corrective surgery to repair his earlobes in the death shot. The facial features are unmistakable. This is why I have been questioning the government narrative from the beginning. Things just don't add up an as more information comes forward, the more convoluted and subversive this whole thing becomes. The person in the picture is Maxwell Yearick not the supposed patsy Thomas Matthew Crooks. Yearick being a known Antifa felon who served jail time in the Allegheny County Department of Corrections (Jail) near Pittsburgh, PA. Crooks has no resemblance to the person in these photos. Additionally, no one has been able to turn up Yearick alive. Ask question stop imbibing the swill they feed the pigs and slaves.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why I seem to be your only commenter. I even live in NZ where NO ONE is a "loud mouth" or talkative, lol. These won't be taken down if I'm your only commenter, they go after "influencers". But we are influential with The Most High God...

Anonymous said...

It is ironic that he just came back from a war and was taken out by a sniper himself. Chances are better to be killed in a war right?

Being outside of the US makesnit difficult to access some databases

It's more than 2 weeks now and he still has not posted his alive video as his family promised he would...

His one email isn't bouncing back but i guess it is not in use anymore.

The irony too is that no recent family photos or individual photos of the "official narrative trangressor" are made public ... Thry are only showing school photos, talking to school friends ...no family, no co-workers...

Andy Pierson said...

I couldn't agree more. There are too many unknowns. Too many decoys. The government and media cannot be trusted to provide facts either. We live in a dangerous time and people would be advise to CYA.

Anonymous said...

You've gained a new fan from South Africa. I enjoy reading your blogposts, scrolled through some quickly after stumbling upon this post about MY ear ick accidentally.

Well nothing is coincidence in this life.

Blessings in Jesus Christ

Andy Pierson said...

Thank you brother from South Africa. May the Lord bless you and bestow his grace on you and yours. Andy

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