Every now and then I like to show my gratitude to the readers of SoulJournaler. This thanks and gratitude is extended first to the Almighty God-Jesus Christ. The reaction to the posts have been quite fantastic and I always enjoy comments good or bad from people since it keeps me on my toes and helps me hone the edge I will need in my ministry.
To me the reaction to SoulJournaler has been astounding and I am dumbstruck. There have been 400+ joins in only 10 months and these are the people that I know of due to the joins and friendings. I know there are many others that have not joined but still read. It started as a place to air thoughts but recently it has had a cathartic nature and has helped me through some narrow and unforgiving corridors of my life (and my family's). It allowed be to lament the passing of my father and the weeks of pain that led up to it. As I had learned a long time ago in AA and NA in my rougher days, unloading a burden to others that are willing to help shoulder the load makes the burden vastly easier to carry. Putting things online for the world to see and sift through helped me clear my head and see things clearer, not muddled in a jumble of pain and emotions.
On this count I must also thank those that have supported my mother, my wife & me in my own church: Northpointe Community Church of Limerick. My mother is a complete stranger to the church but they stepped forward anyway to support her. The Women's Ministry and The Meal Minisitry, The men that I stand shoulder to shoulder with in the gaps when they form. People pulled together and it made all the difference. The fact that they cared took away some of the pain.
I must also thank an extended family at the Men's Ministry/Bible Study of Harvest Fellowship of Boyertown that supported my as if they were my own (they are; we are all in Christ)
I especially want to thank my neighbor and his wife. My neighbor who, like a true Christian soldier stepped forward to preside over my father's funeral and did so with a power and authority that could've only been of the Spirit and was of great comfort. It was indeed a profound and poignant reminder that God is indeed in charge and nothing happens in His universe without Him knowing about it or actually allowing it to happen.
I want to thank all of my friends, friends of friends, my family and extended families, all of my wife's friends that helped and ministered to us in our dark days. I would also like to thank my mother's friends and the wonder people of the Harleysville Walmart and all associated with that Walmart in particular. Also all of the good men at Miller Pump Service in Cedars, PA. which was my father's life work. Getting water to people to help them survive.
You're all God sent and righteous people. May God bless you this Christmas season each and every one (As Tiny Tim would say).