April 30, 2022

10 Books that Destroyed Western Society

What are often touted as required reading is schools should have warning labels and disclaimers. These "influential" books have led to war, genocide, totalitarian oppression, family breakdown, and disastrous social experiments. Of note...

Machiavelli's The Prince was the inspiration for a long list of tyrannies (Stalin had it on his nightstand).

Descartes' Discourse on Method "proved" God's existence only by making Him a creation of our own ego.

Hobbes' Leviathan led to the belief that we have a "right" or 'rights' to whatever we want.

Marx and Engels's Communist Manifesto could win the award for the most malicious and evil book ever written...if it wasn't for the others in this list.

How Darwin's Origin of the Species and The Descent of Man proves he intended "survival of the fittest" to be applied to human society murderously...and then subsequently was by science and other misguided godless idiots.

Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil issued the call for a world ruled solely by the "will to power" devoid of God and an absolute moral benchmark therefore making everything relative to opinion, not facts.

Hitler's Mein Kampf was a kind of "spiritualized social Darwinism" that accounts for his genocidal anti-Semitism and other demonic actions.

How the pansexual paradise described in Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa turned out to be a creation of her own sexual confusions and aspirations. Considering she was a sexual deviant this is not a good thing.

Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Male was simply autobiography masquerading as science and justifying every sexual immorality and laying the groundwork for normalization of every sexual deviancy we see in society via normalizing it in Psychology and Psychiatry.

Do your homework or your just another tool for the monsters that use these books as justification for being 'educated', 'enlightened' and the 'elite'

April 29, 2022

Ancient Catamites and the Perverting of Disney

I've been saying for the last five years that within a decade pedophilia/pederasty will become legal or normalized in society. I was laughed off of social media or slammed. The laughter is now dying off because people are starting to realize...I wasn't just right; my window of time was too far out. It'll be less than 10 years.

They just confirmed a radical Supreme Court Justice wingnut that went lenient on pederasty and pedophile cases. Furthermore, she is part of a counsel that supports CRT and is clearly biased. The dimwit radicals in the senate didn't even care. Even some so-called conservatives (as if the term even means anything anymore) did too.

The DSM-V is already normalizing the pedophile language to make it more acceptable. The media and nuts jobs are against the Florida bill that they claim says, "Don't Say Gay" (which it doesn't even say). The bill is trying to prevent these predators from having sex with your kids or forcing genital mutilation (gender transition) on unsuspecting children). This has become so mainstreamed that it is starting to fade into background chatter in some demographics. Not voicing one's opinion in today's political climate against this perversion is akin to basically accepting it. If the perverts do not see resistance, they will just push forward even more aggressively. 

Case-in-point: Look at the reaction to the Florida senate revoking Disney's tax-except status due to their stance of defending the grooming of our children. The response has been vicious and vocal. How is transitioning your 6-year-old any different than turning them into a catamite? For those ignorant, catamites were prepubescent males castrated to maintain their androgenous features so grown dominant men could use them as the effeminate sexual receptacles of their affections (see picture below).

The Bible repeatedly showed as did history that a morally degenerate society collapses quickly. As a matter of fact, sexual degeneracy/sexual perversion is one of the main signs of a failing or failed nation. If you are even remotely normal and want to see this nation survive the next decade intact you need to realize your government (left and right), the complicit media, corporate American and academia are all aligned against you. The only way good prevails here is to fight and push back on this affront to morality. A majority of Progressive policies are immoral. If God doesn't judge this disgusting nation, He needs to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Sorry, I won't remain silent when I see children becoming victims of perverted old men and women.

April 28, 2022

Nothingness vs. Significance

A universe when absent God, when there's no faith in God invariably dissolves to nothingness. Annihilates  due to lack of purpose. It is a cold universe arising from randomness, chance and pointlessness. Therefore any lasting personhood, consciousness and love is all an illusion of the human mind. This is what the godless society wants you to believe.

You don't seriously believe that, do you?

How depressingly nihilistic and pitiable. That is why it has been said that a universe devoid of God has no meaning. There is literally no meaning or reason for it's or our existence outside of God. There is no point, no significance. There is quite literally and existentially...nothing.

What a miserable existence. My life is of infinitely more value than that. I am more than the some of my parts, molecules, atoms. Atoms cannot rationalize, reason or love.

If God does not exist, then both man and the universe are inevitably doomed to death. Man, like all biological organisms, must die. With no hope of immortality, man’s life leads only to the grave. His life is but a spark in the infinite blackness, a spark that appears, flickers, and dies forever.

If each individual person passes out of existence when he dies, then what ultimate meaning can be given to his life? Does it really matter in the end whether he ever existed at all? Sure, his life may be important relative to certain other events, but what’s the ultimate significance of any of those events? If everything is doomed to destruction, then what does it matter that you influenced anything? Ultimately it makes no difference.

And existence without God means a few things. Each one more onerous and existentially more painful than the last because of what they portend. Please understand that a society that effectively pushes God out and treats Him as if He doesn’t exist allows these things to befall them because in practice, they made them true through their actions as a society.

There would be no Bible or any religious text to guide behavior or morality. There would be no absolute truth. That means everything can and will be true. Everything can and will be permissible because there is nothing to say otherwise except another person's capricious opinion (The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky). An opinion which will be no more valid than any other because there will be no measure of value in a universe without meaning or significance. Even self-evidently contradictory truths like a man is a woman and torture is good will be acceptable outcomes.

There would be no basis for law, therefore no structured society. In other words, anarchy and chaos. There would be no punishment for the wicked or evil. No law means no basis for telling someone their wrong. People will literally...'do as thou wilt' which just happens to be the mantra of the Satanist (Aleister Crowley). The rules of Hitler and Stalin become acceptable historical outcome.

Obviously, we already live in a world without God’s Word to govern us because it has been rejected. We are presently living in a world which denies absolute truth. It happened so gradually that most never knew how, or when it happened but we all now know that something is seriously wrong. Well, I’m telling you above that this is exactly how it happened.

April 22, 2022

The Prophets and The Paradox of No Time

For everyone and everything that draws from Biblical tradition to make a comparison to life it must be understood that that the Biblical truth that is being drawn on is in-fact historically connected vertically to a divine reality. Because of this fact the actions taken now do in reality 'echo' down through eternity as General Maximus Decimus Meridius proclaimed in the movie Gladiator.

In fact, not only is everyday reality always connected to the divine, but all the past and future were connected to every time and place in this figural interpretation of history. Every occurrence in all its everyday reality, is simultaneously a part in a world historical context through which, each part is related to every other, and thus is likewise to be regarded as being of all time or above all time.

There is a 12th century French Christian play that recent Christian theologians describe as the presence of the future in the present. A theologian named Eric Auerbach wrote that in this Christian play it is clear that Adam has advanced knowledge of Christ's coming and redemption …so that a thing of the future. [is] included in the present knowledge of any and all times.

That means…that which is biblical and historical includes a participation in realities known by faith. In other words, the future of the Kingdom was already present when the biblical authors wrote and the prophets spoke, so that the details of their writing and speaking were being shaped by the details of the future. This was not predicting the future, but more a case of absorbing the pressure of the future on their historical present. Thus, the types or the things they were seeing and depicted were already participating in the realities of the future Kingdom of God.

In other words, in this world, from the point of view of men, prophecy chronologically precedes fulfillment. In reality though and in a more important sense it is fulfillment that proceeded the prophecy. How is this possible? It is because the words of the prophet come from God who is timeless (specifically diachronic). He is and sees all time and all events as the eternal present. Time ceases to have meaning and is only needed to accommodate the limitations of human minds. The fulfillment can/could potentially precede the words of the prophet.

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