October 30, 2020

Election 2020: Cracks In The Foundation

I have always sought to unify not divide. But we live in a divided nation. I have always sought to avoid politics on my site but everything has been politicized. So I will present my view. I have also never minced words about President Trump. I was somewhat vocal about my dislike of Donald Trump’s character early on in 2015 and never overtly supported him. I still often reserve comment because mentioning him 'triggers' people. Once they get spun up, few can listen with open minds. During the course of his term I have seen actions that have continually led me to believe he's still a narcissist and a misogynist that objectifies women. Indeed, he still comes off as detestable at times and his outbursts are at best unpresidential, petty or petulant. But…

I have also watched him follow through on campaign promises. I thought he was merely grandstanding for votes to win an election. Things that actually mattered. Of paramount importance has been his open support of pro-lifers and efforts to defund Planned Parenthood much to the consternation of murderers nationwide. They ask if my vote can be swayed by one issue. Yes, abortion. In addition, he’s tried to assure the sovereignty of the United States. National sovereignty that sanctuary cities in sanctuary states have undermined. We had a booming economy until the farce that was the COVID shutdown killed many state’s revenue. In truth, his policies have been friendly to Christians and people of faith in general. But…

I also need to admit I do not fully understand professed Christians that can or will vote unabashedly for the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ticket in the coming days. They have been informed of the deceptions of the Biden CCP connections and it doesn’t matter. A large portion of the media will not cover the outing of the Biden family by an old business partner Tony Bobulinski and the duplicitous Quid Pro Quo of the former Vice President. Quid Pro Quo...the very thing the entire Democratic party tried to pin on a sitting president through the charade and political theater of impeachment. An impeachment covered ad absurdium by a complicit media. These Christians will vote for these two anyway and it may become a contested election. I understand the non-believer with their seared minds (Romans 1) but I do not get proclaimed Christians doing the same. Unless those claiming citizenship in God's Kingdom aren't of the Kingdom.

The Christians that voted for Biden/Harris know Biden's and Harris’ monstrous voting record on abortion and/or partial birth abortion. Harris’ position is especially heinous being a woman willing to kill a child in her own womb as her right while hypocritically denying rights to that murdered child. At least Biden has a logistical out by being a man and deferring to a woman’s choice. Yet, off the 'Christian' voter will go and vote for the very people that promise them the world and will take the entire world away from them through legislation, executive actions and judiciary manipulation via packing a court. 

A willingness to manipulate the system to their favor just as they do with the truth. The Democrats have clearly asserted themselves to be a godless party. They even went as far as to remove ‘Under God’ from the Democratic National Convention in 2020. In God’s place they’ve supplanted themselves (in socialism / communism the State replaces God). In so doing they have literally taken on Romans 1 as the platform for their run for the White House. At least Trump feigns being Christian by appealing to the Christian base and makes Christian-like statements at times backed with reinforcing action (as with Planned Parenthood). Biden and Harris will feign no such pretense.

In truth I expected the godless (depraved) to subscribe to this philosophy but I never imagined a 'Christian' voter would take up the banner. What’s worse is that there are some orthodox churches jumping ship into the Romans 1 party too. Otherwise sound Reformed churches have succumbed to the Social Justice movement based on Liberation Theology started by Gustavo GutiĆ©rrez (Roman Catholic priest, Peru). The theological mentor of the current socialist Pope (Francis). Socialists that are in fact Dialectic Materialists. If socialists were honest adherents to their own socialist philosophies, they would acknowledge their belief system is atheistic and godless (self-contradicting). But they’re not honest. They’re being disingenuous or they're deceived. If they do understand the philosophical foundations of their belief, they’re deceivers. If they don’t understand, then they’re deceived. Either way I clearly see Satan working here in the Democratic party and with the apostate Pope. Satan is at work aiding those who would suppress the truth of Scripture. What did Romans 1 tell a true believer about events we see unfolding right now?

Romans 1 says that wrath (therefore punishment) of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness of men, who by their sin suppress the truth. They receive upon themselves the penalties of the very same decisions they make. They’re own decisions and sins come back to haunt them. Bad decision-making is its own punishment because bad decisions usually produce bad results. Higher taxes, more sexual immorality spreading more disease. They know who God is but reject Him and his truths clearly written in the Bible. In so doing they begin to undermine their own thinking processes. Logic becomes a victim or slave to their emotion. We see this all around us. Anger. Fear. Confusion. They react based on emotion instead of reasoning and thinking. Inevitably they are unable to reason their way through easily remediable moral dilemmas. They become futile in their thinking. A society of confusion ensues. A place where people can’t seem to understand what is really going. Like America in 2020. Truth becomes foreign to them. Everything shifting and always in flux. By abandoning God, they thereby abandon any basis for moral and logical absolutism. A ship tossed about on a stormy sea with no anchor or compass.

Yet many will lay claim to the truth like politicians. Many will claim wisdom but their actions will scream foolishness and stupidity. Their comments and political positions will be at odds. They will pass laws that contradict what they say. What the say will contradict what they do.

In a word: Hypocrisy.

A kingdom in conflict with itself. A kingdom divided cannot stand. It will slowly divide within and die. Sloughing off morality and truth piece by piece until nothing is left of it. Like pieces of a sandcastle being eroded by a relentless tide. By not having a cornerstone of truth under it...cracks begin to form in the foundation compromising the democratic edifice. That is what we are already seeing. A nation undermined like the a kingdom built on sand at low tide (Matthew 7:24-27). The tide is now rising and beating against the shore like a hammer of justice.

Of course, divine punishment like the power of the tide is so powerful it will act as undertow and pull us all down. One person doesn't suffer for their sin, the entire community does. Especially when the sinner is the leader. People will pursue the lusts of their hearts into impurity or insanity. People misuse their bodies because they exchange the truth about God for a lie and worship and serve the creature (themselves). They will self-idolize. This is why when a man attempts to elevate himself to God’s level he is always cut down (Adam/Eve, Tower of Babel, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod the Great, Antichrist). It literally is the clearest form of idolatry. It is also the purest example of Romans 1. We will idolize ourselves or love images of beings identical to us…instead of God. Stars. Heroes. Champions....idols. With no God, there will be no truth as truth is…absolute. If no absolute definitive truth exists then all truths can be true or nothing can be true. Both scenarios self-negating. It is madness…an ever-circling dog chasing its tale or returning to its own vomit.

If God does not exist everything is permitted. ~The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, 1880

A debased mind cannot reason or arrive at an answer that makes sense. The conclusions that a debased mind does arrive at are either contradictory or folly. He is therefore deemed a fool. No agreements with those that do not think the way they do will be possible because there can be no agreement on words: Love, Hate, Tolerance. Never mind big ideas formed from words: Theology, Socialism, Fascism, RacismEntire party platforms become the ‘Big Lie’ as coined by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf. A lie so enormous that no one would believe that someone could have the audacity to distort the truth so disgracefully. The Big Lie…

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. ~Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany

This should give everyone pause and give rational people a wakeup call. A call to action.

“The State” needs to “...use all of its powers to repress dissent…”

“…truth is the mortal enemy of the lie”

Therefore, 'by extension the truth is the enemy of the State' that seeks to repress the truth by propagating a lie in its place.

How is there any difference right now between Joseph Goebbels’ statement and what a majority of the media and social media outlets are doing? Except for a handful or sources like Epoch Times and Andy Ngo at the Post-Millennial most are in the tank for one specific ideology or the other. Twitter and Facebook literally suppressed the Hunter Biden story last week. I see no difference anymore between Goebbels statement and the current media blitz in the days leading to the 2020 United States election.

The goal: Distortion of truth. Into the vacuum of political chaos steps those who will then manufacture a new truth or the big lie (Antichrist). A person who does not stand for absolute truth will fall victim to any statement. When you have half the people who know the truth of God/absolutism and half who do not have the truth of God/relativism you will have a sharply divided conflict. The endgame of distorted truth is conflict. A war is arising between absolutism (God) and relativism (Satan).

The only way I can make sense of all this chaos is that the hate of the president’s personality or persona overrides a desire to vote in favor of his policies which in many cases are vastly more Christian than the Biden/Harris ticket that is pro-abortion, pro-gender confusion, anti-sovereignty, etc. I like quite a few of these people and other then their politics I get along with them well. I can’t attribute it to anything else. The only way I can conceive that a Christian would knowingly vote for a Democratic platform (a pro-Romans 1 platform) is that they have embraced an all-or-nothing attitude. Anything but Trump. Even if it means voting for the Devil. It the end it may be self-defeating to these Christians but getting rid of Trump is all that seems to matter. Not even truth matters in this instance. Sadly, they’re not just rejecting Trump, they’re rejecting policies that have aided Christians and saved unborn lives. The hate of the president binds them to a commitment against him. Throwing the baby out with the bathwater. In the case of abortion...literally. The opposing view has trouble being able to comprehend those Christians. They find it remarkable that people are being presented with the truth and they still don't believe it or refuse to budge from their position in the face evidence to the contrary.

He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.’ (Luke 16:31)

People will die if they believe they are fighting for the truth. Right now, there are multiple ‘truths’ out there but only one of them can be correct. The Law of Non-Contradiction requires that fact. Therefore, truth is absolute. It really does come down to one word: Truth. Everything else falls out from that.

Pilate said to him, “Quid Est Veritas/What is truth?” ~ John 18:38

What did Jesus say the truth is?

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ~John 14:6

In the end when it comes to this election and the love or hate of Trump, I will only say this. Trump is still a narcissist and a misogynist. He really isn’t a good person. At the same time, he is not the monster or the demon he is being made out to be. He has done some good things. Even Anthony Kapel 'Van' Jones on CNN admitted as much...and now the Progressives are calling for Van Jones' termination. As a Christian I will be voting for what the candidates have done not what they have said. As voter I am voting for policies and how a person has historically voted or performed their job. I am not voting for their personalities and private life. I have to draw that distinction. I’m voting to seat a leader over a sinful fallen nation not for a pastor over what is a holy church. We’d be wise to consider this before we pull a lever. The two candidates we are now forced to choose from are truly a revealing 'representation' of the United States populace. What these two candidates reveal about our nation is troubling and saddening. They reveal that there are cracks in the very foundation of truth, morality and our democracy. They reveal how far we have drifted from God.


Debirene said...

Really good Andy and sadly so true.It makes me wonder about some of my “Christian “ loved ones and friends ���� ��

Andy Pierson said...

Thank you Deb. Thanks for reading it.

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