August 18, 2021

The Sequence of Reality

The universe, creation, contrary to atheistic statements is not just the sum result of random chance and time. They want you to believe this lie so you will keep them company in godless nihilistic misery. A reality that effectively has no purpose, no real meaning, no goal. Just the result of pure chance. No morality. No absolutes. No value.

“In the beginning was the word…”, according to John 1:1. The word or specifically…information. Design. Intent. Intelligence. Mind. Sentience. God.

Due to knowledge gained in genetics, biology has become information science, a subject of messages, instructions and code. Genes contain information and enable procedures for reading it in and writing it. Life spreads by network. The body itself is an information processor. Our relationships are ethernet or Wifi. Memory resides not just in brains but in every cell. DNA is the information repeated a trillion times in perfect copy. The most advanced message processor in the universe —an alphabet, a code, 6 billion bits to form a human being. The pinnacle of creation. Another sentient being. What lies at the heart of every living thing is not a fire. No, what lies at the base level is information. Designed information that can create information against the natural flow of entropy/chaos. Information, biological words, instructions. If you want to understand life, don’t think about vibrant liquids, cells, think about information theory.

In physics when photons, electrons, atoms interact, what are they really doing? Exchanging bits, transmitting quantum states, exchanging information. The laws of physics are in essence algorithms. Engines of reality. Every burning star, every particle leaving its ghostly trace in a chamber is information. Intelligence. The universe computes its own destiny. When heating water, the heat source is signaling the water to move faster by transmitting energy from source to receiver. What’s really fundamentally occurring is a transfer of information.

We now realize that information may be primarily more fundamental than matter or even life itself. It is now possible to see the byte/bit as the irreducible kernel of existence. Information forms the core of existence. The outcome of experiments themselves are affected, or even determined, when it is observed (Schrodinger's Cat). Not only is the observer observing, they're asking questions, make statements that are ultimately expressed in discrete bits. Reality arises in the last analysis from the posing of yes-no questions. Binary on or off scenarios.

A living organism’s ability to continue to reproduce offspring, a form of biological perpetual motion leads to the conclusion that there needs to be a supernatural life force working against the natural forces. Why? Entropy. Re-appropriating energy to construction instead of destruction. How does it do this? Through intelligence or transfer of information. Because life is constantly producing order from disorder, in contrast to every other physical process. Entropy is a measure of disorder. Think of it as reality's tax. Left unchecked disorder increases over time. Energy disperses, systems dissolve into chaos. Life…it does just the opposite. More information is created, not destroyed. Counterintuitive. Counter-chaos. It doesn’t balance out in the end equation without information input. Information cannot arise from non-information or non-intelligence. Its impossible.

Scientific Laws of Information (SLI)

SLI1: A material entity can't generate a non-material entity.

SLI2: Universal information is a non-material entity.

SLI3: Universal information can't be made by statistical process.

SLI4: Universal information can only be produced by intelligent sender.

4a: Every code is based upon a mutual 'agreement' or understanding between sender and receiver.

4b: There is no new universal information without an intelligent sender.

4c: Every information transmission chain can be traced back to an intelligent sender.

4d: Attributing meaning to a set of symbols (chemical, electrical, etc.) is an intellectual process requiring intelligence.

Conclusion: Biological information (the fundamental component of life) originates only from an intelligent sender and all theories of chemical and biological evolution require that information must have originated solely from matter and energy (no sender). Therefore first premise is possible and second premise is not possible.


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