August 5, 2020

A Wolf Among Sheep: Open Letter To Gov. Tom Wolf

Acts 5:27-33 The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.” Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings. The God of our ancestors raised Jesus from the dead—whom you killed by hanging him on a cross.  God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might bring Israel to repentance and forgive their sins. We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.” When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put them to death.

The high priest of the Sanhedrin (the State) introduced his comments with a reference to supposed authority of Israel's leaders. Pilate had similarly threatened Jesus with his authority (John 19:10-11). They attempt to dictate and mandate through fear. Just as State governors do today. Obey…or else. Not only is this morally wrong, more importantly its Biblically wrong. The high priest showed his disdain for Jesus by completely ignoring him as a person and not referring to Christ by name. He as a state official believed the authority of the Sanhedrin was greater than the authority of God/Jesus.

The leaders earlier had instructed Peter and John not to teach (Acts 3:18, 21) but Peter had said they would continue to do so because of Jesus' authority (Act 3:19-20). In the situation of rendering to the State that which is the states we are to obey…until they expect us to disobey God. Then it becomes a moot point. Christians are contra mundum. What’s even more damning is Peter charged the leaders with Jesus' death. They are now trying to silence this fact by forbidding the Gospel. They had rationalized away guilt for Jesus' death probably blaming it on Jesus Himself and the Romans (Acts 3:15). Jewish leaders felt the disciples were unfairly heaping guilt on them for having shed Jesus' blood. However only a few weeks earlier they had said to Pilate, "His blood be on us and on our children" (Matt. 27:25; Matt. 23:35). Peter as spokesman for the apostles did not attempt to defend their (righteous) civil disobedience but simply repeated their responsibility to obey God rather than men, specifically the Sanhedrin (Acts 4:19; Luke 12:4-5).

Peter claimed that God had exalted Jesus to a place of supreme authority, namely, at His right hand. The Sanhedrin had asked Jesus if He was the Christ, and He had replied that they would see Him seated at God's right hand (Luke 22:67-71). Jesus was Israel's true State/national Prince (leader) and the Jews' individual and collective Savior. Jesus had the authority to grant a change of mind about Himself to the nation and consequently forgiveness of sins. Jesus' authority to forgive sins had indebted all who would believe that fact about Him. The apostles were not just as heralds of that good news (Gospel) but were eyewitnesses of that to which they now testified. The apostles (believers) are the human mouthpieces of witness to Christ’s death and Resurrection. This is bore witness to via the Helper or Spirit. 

To silence believers to prevent them from teaching / preaching is therefore a direct attempt by the State to muzzle God. A Christian cannot allow this to happen either in word or action. Through example we are shown that we are to righteously be disobedient to the State in obedience to God. Believers bearing witness to the truth are obligated to it. Furthermore, the Sanhedrin (the State) knowing the story of the Gospel were/are without excuse too! They heard the Gospel and are disobeying! Actions contrary to the Gospel having heard it are insurrection to God. The Sanhedrin's/world’s reaction to this disobedience to the state? Kill. Silence. They’re not just attempting to silence the Apostles here….but God Himself. Do you see the absurdity of this? So, what do we learn from this episode before the Sanhedrin/State?

The persons that teach the things of God doing the work commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 get their authority from God directly. The Great Commission in Matthew commands us, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” We are to "speak", to proclaim the Gospel with our voices. In the Temple or out of it. The audience is believers and unbelievers. To the former for edification, to the latter for conversion. Remember, we’re commanded, not asked. We should expect resistance to this. Outside the church…and in it. Not all that sit in a pew are Christian. The Devil walks into your church every time you teach of God.

The Sanhedrin in this passage are representative of godless leadership that wishes to silence not just the Gospel but God Himself. They attempt to stop the messengers. The Gospel itself is unstoppable. Nothing has been successful in stopping the message. The Devil and world system know this so they stop the messengers from fulfilling their duty. Every attempt to stop the message in 2000 years has failed. Paradoxically, Christians are decentralized like ANTIFA during State oppression. Silencing one does nothing to stop their message (therein lies the method of understanding ANTIFA too).

Certain characteristics stand out about those that will try silence the Gospel and they need to be recognized. We see them today in the COVID-19 pandemic and State sanctioned lock-down. The confused/deceived spiritual leaders cling too tightly to Romans 13 while simultaneously ignoring Acts 5. They have fallen victim to the fear instilled by the state and are aiding in silencing of the church.

It is Unreasonable A godless world sees the need to teach God publicly or in a sanctuary as unreasonable. Gavin Newsom, California and Tom Wolf, Pennsylvania have attempted to implement draconian restrictions on the public by metering out unreasonable unconstitutional restrictions. What these men fail to see is their expectations themselves are unreasonable. Not only are they violating 1st amendment rights in these states but they are expecting men to keep silent who have been commanded by Christ to speak, who know what they speak to be true. What they do they are compelled to do and to speak by the inner voice of conscience/Spirit. The leaders are even manipulating the lex terrae because its been friendly to the Gospel. The world and man are at enmity with God.

It is Unjust To command men to cease and desist from teaching to others things of the belief / metaphysical realm is to invade the domain of conscience/Spirit which belongs alone to Christ, and is therefore in the highest degree culpable and reprehensible.

It is Unkind To impose silence upon men who offer mankind the highest conceivable blessing (repentance and remission of sins) on the easiest possible terms: To have faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ) is surely the opposite of benevolent.

It is Unsuccessful  Those who attempt to stop the Gospel never succeed in the long-view. God is a God of history. So long as Christ lives and reigns...the errant State never succeeds. Not once. All orders, prohibitions or restrictions upon God and the Gospel end in failure. The more men are punished for preaching, the hotter grows their zeal to persist in the work forbidden by the State/Caesar.

If the world be against God and seeks to silence God then it is the Christians responsibility to be contra mundum. Just like Athanasius. Us against the world….as we are not of it. When God's orders and man's come into collision, man being a creature who is himself under authority to God is obligated only to God. Its the old syllogism. 

(1) God is always right.

(2) When in doubt refer to Rule #1.

It is good to obey man as well as God (Romans 13)—which is both desirable and dutiful, when man's orders are not countermanded by God's. Since the power of the State comes from God. But the State should never force people to violate their conscience/The Spirit. That is morally reprehensible. Do not ask a Christian to chose between God and State. The true Christian always picks God (you'll know them by their works/action). Governor Wolf. You have no authority to silence the Gospel. I reject your godless reality and substitute my own. 

Here I stand, I can do no other....

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