August 30, 2021

A Supremist Religion I: Importance of Muhammad in Islam

I have run through my series about Islam twice on my Facebook page and it has had an extraordinary impact on those that read it. Now that I have time to pick up the reins of my blog again after an extended lay-off from writing I have chosen to repost the entire series here also. I do so because other than sexual immorality and what amounts to a hostile take over by homosexuality and transgenderism in society, Islam is the largest threat to Christianity, western culture and the American way of life now that Afghanistan has been turned back over to Islamic Terrorists and their Chinese backers. So I begin where I've begun twice lesson number one...

Most non-Muslims think that you become a Muslim by worshiping Allah, but this is not true. You can worship the God Allah and still not be a Muslim. What it takes to be a Muslim is to worship Allah...exactly like Muhammad did. We know exactly how he worshiped his God because it was recorded in the Sira and Hadith(s). He inevitably was murderous and easily angered. That is why the hot-tempered nature of the Muslim adherent. So when you see a Muslim who is quick to anger, he is simply imitating Muhammad his spiritual icon (Proverbs 29:11, Ecclesiastes 7:9, James 1:19-20). If historical biographies are even remotely accurate, the prophet was a demonic ill-tempered thug. There is not a true Muslim alive that does not know a detailed history of Muhammad.

People that only understand the Qur'an without knowing other aspects and supporting documentation are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath is vastly more dangerous than what is currently being seen. That is because, like icebergs, there are two aspects to Islam and the more powerful and pervasive of the two is out of sight 99% of the time in the culture and on the world stage. We begin to get a hint of it though in lands where ISIS resides and were Sharia Law has been instituted as the Lex Terrae. Just as we will now see Afghanistan sink back into. A demonic breeding ground of killing and training of killers. With 83 Billion of American weaponry too no less. A Islam militant cesspool. More on this in later posts. One of the things I will also do this time around is to deposit Scripture passages in relevant places to offset what is clearly not scriptural and often times is just plain evil. Mostly to show the contrast between what is right an what is clearly wrong with Islam and our Western thinking and understanding of it.

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