April 29, 2022

Ancient Catamites and the Perverting of Disney

I've been saying for the last five years that within a decade pedophilia/pederasty will become legal or normalized in society. I was laughed off of social media or slammed. The laughter is now dying off because people are starting to realize...I wasn't just right; my window of time was too far out. It'll be less than 10 years.

They just confirmed a radical Supreme Court Justice wingnut that went lenient on pederasty and pedophile cases. Furthermore, she is part of a counsel that supports CRT and is clearly biased. The dimwit radicals in the senate didn't even care. Even some so-called conservatives (as if the term even means anything anymore) did too.

The DSM-V is already normalizing the pedophile language to make it more acceptable. The media and nuts jobs are against the Florida bill that they claim says, "Don't Say Gay" (which it doesn't even say). The bill is trying to prevent these predators from having sex with your kids or forcing genital mutilation (gender transition) on unsuspecting children). This has become so mainstreamed that it is starting to fade into background chatter in some demographics. Not voicing one's opinion in today's political climate against this perversion is akin to basically accepting it. If the perverts do not see resistance, they will just push forward even more aggressively. 

Case-in-point: Look at the reaction to the Florida senate revoking Disney's tax-except status due to their stance of defending the grooming of our children. The response has been vicious and vocal. How is transitioning your 6-year-old any different than turning them into a catamite? For those ignorant, catamites were prepubescent males castrated to maintain their androgenous features so grown dominant men could use them as the effeminate sexual receptacles of their affections (see picture below).

The Bible repeatedly showed as did history that a morally degenerate society collapses quickly. As a matter of fact, sexual degeneracy/sexual perversion is one of the main signs of a failing or failed nation. If you are even remotely normal and want to see this nation survive the next decade intact you need to realize your government (left and right), the complicit media, corporate American and academia are all aligned against you. The only way good prevails here is to fight and push back on this affront to morality. A majority of Progressive policies are immoral. If God doesn't judge this disgusting nation, He needs to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Sorry, I won't remain silent when I see children becoming victims of perverted old men and women.


E the real said...

Agree, things cannot carry on as they are...

E the real said...

Survival of the fittest leads to the small microbes taking over...they multiply faster & mutate more often. That would be a Fall, not an Evolution...pretty simple logic, but the fool says there is no God, so they have become fools now. (Darwin repented though! :)

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