We now make our way into the story of Jehu's bloody rise to power in the northern kingdom of Israel in 2 Kings, Chapters 9 and 10. Elisha realizing he was probably unfit/too old to deliver the message to Jehu sends Gehazi (Elisha's assistant) to tell Jehu he is to be king of Israel. A delicate task to fulfill when there is already an existing king on the throne. Regardless, the task is fulfilled. In the process of anointing Jehu he is also informed by Gehazi that he is to “smite the house of Ahab thy master to avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the servants of the Lord” that had been killed because of Jezebel. He flees in haste as he was advised by Elisha. The captains of the army acknowledged Jehu’s kingship. Having the army on his side virtually guaranteed ease of achieving the directive given to him by God.
As Jehu is returning, Joram sends multiple watchmen to inquire of Jehu whether he comes in peace. Jehu responds with what appears to be a contemptuous rhetorical question about sin and the watchmen align behind Jehu. Failure of the watchmen to return forces Joram and Ahaziah to approach themselves…which results in their demise. An arrow from Jehu’s bow fells Jehoram. Seeing Jehoram’s execution Ahaziah also attempts to flee but to no avail. He too is pursued and killed in his chariot.
Jehu heads to Jezreel and when Jezebel gets wind of this fact she paints her face (unknown why). When he arrives Jezebel asks penetrating and strategic questions about Zimri which was a deliberate attempt to make Jehu second-guess his situation and stability of his kingship (Zimri only ruled 7 days and committed suicide). Jehu would have none of this and obeyed his mandate from the Lord. To see if the palace guards were loyal to Jehu he commands them to throw Jezebel out of the window and she falls to her death. After assuring she is dead he then goes in to eat. When he comes back out to have Jezebel buried it is too late. Wild dogs have eaten her carcass leaving only her skull, feet and hands…just as Elijah had predicted in 1 Kings 21:21-24 (Wiersbe 540).
"I am going to bring disaster on you. I will consume your descendants and cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel—slave or free. I will make your house like that of Jeroboam son of Nebat and that of Baasha son of Ahijah, because you have provoked me to anger and have caused Israel to sin. And also concerning Jezebel the LORD says: 'Dogs will devour Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel.' Dogs will eat those belonging to Ahab who die in the city, and the birds of the air will feed on those who die in the country." 1 Kings 21:21-24
Knowing Ahab had 70 sons Jehu wants to do battle with them. Trying to do the “morally correct” thing, he sends a letter to them telling them to get a king so he can battle them. Knowing Jehu has the army behind him the elders, rulers and guardians of Ahab’s sons in Judah attempt to capitulate and surrender. As proof of their loyalty to Jehu they are instructed to “take the heads of the master’s son’s and come to Jezreel tomorrow”. Since the sons were under the care of the city’s prominent men, they summarily slaughter the 70 sons, put their heads in baskets and send them to Jehu.
Sadly, we quickly find that Jehu did not learn vicariously through the fall of the evil men he killed or had killed because he too becomes a king that “did not turn from the sins that Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit”. He becomes exactly like the people he had a hand in killing for the Lord.
i sort of thought that jezebel was moralizing at jehu, rather than being strategic, along the same lines you've noticed about his character as well. only with her it was more of a "takes one to know one" judgement, i reckon! the only thing that was a little confusing to me though, was how the name 'joram' appears to chang into 'jehoram', but only in the verse that describes jehu's bow shot, 9:24. since earlier in 8:29 it says ahaziah is the son of jehoram, king of judah...well, i'm confused! are joram & jehoram basically the same name, like a creatively expanding ned flandersism or something? i think jezebel was just being proud & insolent to be getting herself up fancy & making a window appearance!
there are two schools of thought on this, neither will I go into right now because I am totally preoccupied doing exegetes of the minor prophets and I am so close to finihsing my summer Old Test class that I can see the end of the tunnel...
1st school of thought: just a different spelling translation
2nd school of thought:
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