Absalom fled to Geshur after avenging the rape of his sister Tamar by killing Amnon. King David his father had married Maacah (among other wives). The offspring of this union between David and Maacah were Tamar and Absalom (2 Samuel 3:3). Tamar being raped would’ve been the granddaughter of King Talmai of Geshur. Amnon not being related by blood to the king probably would’ve received no sympathy from Talmai. Absalom avenging Tamar and performing an “honor” killing probably would’ve received sympathy to the point that we see in the text. King Talmai appears to have given refuge to Absalom for three years for personal reasons and possibly political.
Since the marriage between David and Maacah was more than likely a marriage of convenience and politics for David to future political gain, there is nothing to say Talmai couldn’t have done the same thing. By being friendly to Absalom there was a potential political gain. If by some stretch of the imagination Absalom managed to usurp the throne of David (which he did temporarily) it was politically advantageous to Talmai in terms of alliances and power within the region (also, Geshur was only 80 miles away) (Wiersbe 344)
Wiersbe, Warren. "David’s Unruly Sons." Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament Wisdom and Poetry (Bible Knowledge). Acambaro: Victor, 2003. 344. Print.
1 comment:
these are good points. i guess now i'm wondering why he didn't take tamar with him to her grandfather's asylum, since she wasn't too safe under king david's protection.
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