June 30, 2010

Examining The Scripture XLIV: The Weakness of The Strongman

I've been asked before which character/personality of the Bible I am most like. For those that know me this choice will seem like a no-brainer because I have lifted weights for the better part of 25 years. Although I've answered differently from time to time. Right now I feel as if Samson is the best fit...and it isn't because of strength and being a big dude but because of his flawed character. I personally don't believe Samson was a big guy anyway. If he was big his feats of strength wouldn't have been that impressive anyway. It would've been a big guy doing what big guys do, lifting and moving big objects. I believe Samson was a normal sized guy (perhaps a little bit muscular) but powered by the Lord. An average Joe, not a Jewish Arnold Schwarzenegger or Lou Ferrigno. Besides, I don't care how big you are, nobody carries the gates of Gaza 40 miles to Hebron without the power of God.

Quite frankly no one wants to admit they are often a “really” bad guy but the sad truth is that all people including those in the Bible are bad when viewed by God’s perspective. We has humans want to see ourselves as better than we really are. Often times we attempt in vain, to elevate ourselves while simultaneously trying to bring God down to our level. We try to capture him in a bottle and put Him on our mantle like a sculpture or decorative plates so we can admire Him and tell people He is ours. Many of us are not villainous in our motives but we are still a lot like the flawed characters that populate most of these books I 've exegeted up to this point. Sadly, many of us are quite flawed without realizing we are. I think there are good attributes even in the worst of us but we are all sinful. Having stated that I am mostly comparable to Samson I would like to add that I am not quite as deluded in my denial of my sin.

I believe Samson often thought he was doing things correctly but human sin and foibles trumped common sense and eventually led God to remove his spirit from him. By allowing Delilah to shave his coif. Human weakness allowed the world to creep in sometimes unexpectedly but often in plain view and Samson was powerless to stop it becuase of his sinful nature and failure to stay close to the Lord. His true Godly spirit was manifest prominently at the end of his life in his brokenness as is the case in many people's lives. It takes hitting absolute bottom to realize that we need God. When broken and emptied God can then rebuild us and we are easier to shape in His image. As a student attending seminary in my early to mid 40’s I am also learning late to use the tools granted to me by God by grace to better glorify him. At best my motives in the past were dubious and were not God glorifying. I can now honestly say that I am fulfilling this a little bit better now. Thankfully I won't have to commit to an act that will end up killing me to have some type of redemption, Christ has already done this for me. Well, off to the gym for a workout...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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