August 4, 2010

Examining The Scripture CV: God's Sovereignty Over All

In Isaiah 44:28; 45:1 we read about Cyrus (the Great). He is the king of Persia as was predicted by God a century or so earlier and he is responsible by decree for the release of the Jewish exiles. This episode in the Bible and Cyrus' actions are a profound example of God’s sovereign ability to work though not only his chosen but also others and supernatural ability to know future events. Through His prophets God said that he would again have His people living in Jerusalem. Cyrus allowed the exiles (eventually people like Ezra, Nehemiah) to go back to Israel and rebuild the city of Jerusalem and the Temple (v. 28). In doing this Cyrus fulfills God’s purposes (v. 28) as if he was one of God’s actual “shepherds” (v. 28) of His sheep in the field.

Oddly, God called Cyrus His “anointed” [Hbw: Strong’s H4899- mashiyach - consecrated person, king, priest, or saint; Messiah] and he was “taken by the right hand” (a symbol of power) similar to Jesus “at the right hand of the Father”. Whenever we see a mention of Messiah we have a typology of Jesus Christ. When I say anointed it is also like saying consecration for use like an implement by God of a priest or KING. A technical definition of consecration means that a person or object is set apart from evil or turned towards the Lord, and be prepared to be used by God. Cyrus having been used by God for a holy purpose needed to be consecrated or “anointed” by God before use so it is done verbally. God being sovereign over all can do it anyway He likes as long as it does not go against His character. Once Cyrus is verbally decreed anointed by the Lord we see King Cyrus acting on God’s behest. Knowingly or unknowingly is not quite certain but he works for God’s greater good none-the-less (Martin 1099).

As we have seen in the past in 1 & 2 Samuel it is the same word used of Saul and David true kings of Israel so what is the deal with Cyrus? At this point in exile, Israel had no king other than God Himself. Since God acted in providence and sovereignty through Cyrus we see God AS Israel’s king work through a proxy who was Cyrus. So in reality, even in exile Israel did have a king working and acting to bring froth blessing for Israel. Not only did Cyrus free God’s people he also brought judgment on Israel’s enemies and unbelievers. Cyrus conquers other nations (with God’s help in Isaiah 45) and Cyrus himself seems to have been blessed in the form of monetary reward and wealth from the nations he conquered.

Martin, John., John Walvoord. "Isaiah." Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Bible Knowledge). Acambaro: Victor, 1985. 1099. Print.

Wiersbe, Warren. "Wanted: A Prophet." Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament: The Prophets (Bible Knowledge). Acambaro: Victor, 2003. 74-77. Print.

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