October 15, 2019

The Partisan Paradox III: The Only Ruler Who Matters

Politics should not shape religious identity. Your Christian identity should shape your politics. As I said, I am neither Conservative nor liberal. I am Christian. I am to engage the culture with my Christianity not conform to it. Because society has become so polarized that is getting harder and harder to do. 

Anything that continues to exacerbate the political divide should not be the goal of any Christian leader or Christian in general. If you see them doing so it is likely there is something to be gained out of it selfishly. We cannot allow the message of the Gospel to be hijacked by religious influence peddlers in political circles.

We must hold fast to God’s declaration in Genesis 1:27 that every person is made in his image. The Imago Dei is more than a theological statement about creation. It tells us that our attitudes toward others should reflect the love of God for them. Divisive politics doesn’t allow this. Regardless of our political views we must always acknowledge other people’s inherent dignity as created beings. On the other hand, remembering the Imago Dei in others does not mean we must agree with them. Christians are called to speak truth into a corrupted world. But we can do this in ways that don’t diminish human dignity and doesn’t incorporate politicking. Its called educating. Even education means being close enough to another person in idea and proximity to be able to communicate in a civil manner. The political division we currently have being fostered by our current brood of viperous politicians will prevent this from the POTUS down to the local township supervisor.

Second, we should listen—really actively listen—to our political opponents. In order for a pluralist society to thrive, citizens must seek to understand perspectives and views we believe are wrong. This is the only way there can be a balanced well-informed debate/argument/polemic. There should be a peaceful rational exchange of ideas not derogatory labels flung a one another from a distance like deadly projectiles. We need to stop sniping.

Again, this doesn’t mean Christians should be doormats on meaningful matters like abortion and immorality. What should come to the forefront is that our belief that God is the author of truth and social justice. We should be reasoning with political opposites with humility and grace not hostility and rancor.

Finally, we must put politics in its rightful place and not let it dominate our actions, relationships, or priorities in or outside our churches and homes. Political affiliation is not our true Christian identity.  We are to be Christians and embodiment of the Gospel in thought, word, and deed. No matter how often you hear that the next election is...“the most important election of our lifetime,” don’t buy into the perspective that the stakes are so great that it warrants compromising the Gospel. Don't buy the shtick that the false sense of urgency warrants aligning with and electing the ‘lesser of two evils’. In reality, we are still aligning ourselves to a sinful fallible human being regardless of how bad we’re in denial.

A compromised witness from aligning to a tyrant or a fool (or both) taints the Gospel and demeans the name of Christ. We need to look at the larger time frame. Is four years in The White House or State Capital worth an eternity for other people in judgment. If so, by all means saddle yourself up to the next idiotic politician but it you find any value in the Imago Dei of your fellow human, compromise so that you can reach them with the Gospel. Keep the politicking outside the door of your witness. The only Ruler / Leader that warrants aligning ourselves to is the one whose feet at which all other kings will be casting their golden crowns anyway.

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