April 20, 2021

Death That Could've Been Avoided by Grace

I was asked as a Christian multiple times about the George Floyd death at Derek Chauvin's hands. I believe I've responded in a biblical manner every time I was asked. I care that my response is biblical. I could care less what the world thinks of me or what I type here.

The Bible is, at its heart a book of law (Mosaic). A law was not abrogated in Jesus through his death, burial and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) he embodied the law in his actions and life (Matthew 5:17-18). A law that shows where a person veers off course and what one needs to do to obey the law (Gal. 3:19-26). We can't obey it so Christ did for us protecting us from ourselves (Matthew 5:17). So we trust what he has done and we are covered in that penal (criminal) substitution by grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). The 'heart' of the substitution Christ gave is a desire to serve and protect. That desire is driven by love. Love surmounts a multitude of sins (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

What we saw or failed to see in Officer Chauvin was a heart...grace or love. As a Matter of fact he exhibited no love, no grace, no willingness to put himself in George Floyds shoes at all (Matthew 12:30-31). Due to his complete lack of empathy of Floyd as a human being he exhibited no mercy whatsoever. End result: A tragic death.

An officer’s duty includes a responsibility to ensure safety and quality of life of the communities they serve. This includes the safety and quality of life of a suspect. Officers as obligated by their duty are to ‘serve and protect’. The officer is to be an embodiment of an unbiased law and that means to even protect the suspect from himself. Chauvin had a duty to Floyd as an officer (and as a human being). All Chauvin needed to do was be compassionate. Instead he was callous. Due to this lack of mercy and empathy George Floyd eventually died.

Chauvin based on (in)actions did not live up to a minimal moral criterion or to his oath as an officer. Officer Chauvin had a moral/legal obligation to Floyd (and society) that was not fulfilled. Because Chauvin did not allow for mercy over judgment (James 2:13)...he has now received his own judgment delivered by 12. End of story. Have a nice day.

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