April 2, 2021

Mind The Gap

I believe what we’ve been seeing lately in the world is the barrier between the world and the demonic is coming down. The division, disunity, selfishness, violence, conflict, etc. The gap is narrowing and something is managing to get across to our side. A gap that should've been widened to a chasm is now merely a small crack. I suspect many on this side are helping the nefarious to cross over too. More and more we see people through their behavior and thinking are acting as conduits to pull down the wall between these realms. At the core I believe America’s rejection of Christ’s lordship is the reason behind all the bloodshed, violence, racial hatred, moral decay, drug abuse and outbreaks of deadly viruses and diseases in our society (pestilence).

Lawmakers, politicians, judges, educators, and the media have made God an unspeakable subject. Even in prisons, there is a ban on religious mottos, including the Ten Commandments. The biggest issue to me though is that many of our churches no longer exalt Christ as Lord and king. The very people that are to be salt and light to the world pulling people back from the edge of condemnation are actually pushing people into the abyss with the demonic. In turn they are destroying most of what calls itself the Church in the process.

Christ-less Christianity is a watered-down version of Christianity that is quickly replacing doctrinal purity while professing itself to be biblical. Christ-less Christianity presents the Bible as if it were a mere collection of anecdotes or fables—a bunch of unrelated stories with a moral teaching at the end of each. Such an approach ignores the grand theme of Scripture—God’s redemption of sinful mankind—and the centrality of Christ in Scripture. Rather than creating self-denying disciples (Matthew 28:19), the message of Christ-less Christianity creates adherents who are “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power,” as 2 Timothy 3:4–5 says. As the church has felt the need to meet the culture where it is at, the church has left biblical truth far behind. This has been especially evident in the political left-leaning 'Christians' linking themselves to the Social Gospel and the political right-leaning 'Christians' tying themselves to conservative messianic figures like Trump (Cyrus).

The Bible indicates that there will be a great apostasy during the end times. The “great apostasy” or the “great falling away’ is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction…

The ESV says rebellion when translating apostasia/ἀποστασία. That’s what apostasy is... a rebellion. People will abandon the truth. The end times will include a wholesale rejection of God’s revelation and a further “falling away” of an already fallen world. In the context of this passage it isn’t just the world falling away either. It is implied that the Church will also. It is this passage more than any other in Scripture that directly implicates the Church by the use of the word apostasy. By definition an apostasy is a departure, an abandoning of a position formerly held. The whole of mankind will rebel against God and it will be the church that leads the way by the abandonment of the truth of Scripture and of God. The general consensus will essentially be: "If the church doesn't believe in God, why should I?"

In so doing, this sets the stage for more horrendous evil to come after. The one's responsible for teaching people the things of salvation and life will, in reality, be teaching destruction and death. We are now unequivocally witnessing the people falling away. In so doing the only barrier between much of the world and evil is being cast aside…Jesus Christ. In a race to the bottom the apostates are inviting the demonic directly into their lives and everyone else's. Hence the chaos we see now in America.

Because man has rejected the truth of God’s Word, man has been given over to a reprobate mind that seeks self-gratification over responsibility to others (Romans 1:24-32). Even our national leaders now model this behavior. We have the scandalous behavior of former Presidents followed by a widespread acceptance of sin by Americans. We are seeing the results of that reprobate mind with the increased acceptance of gender roll confusion of male and female, abortion, euthanasia, destruction of the family unit, drugs, crime, rebellion and every evil imagined by the heart of man.

A division has formed within the nation along political, ideological and spiritual lines. It is a battle-line and the final battlefront. There is increasing violence surrounding what should be peaceful protests. Militant protesters on both sides of the debate are arriving at what should be a nonviolent protest armed with bricks, sticks, guns, riot gear, mace, shields, blinding lasers, bleach bottles, balloons filled with feces and urine and improvised flamethrowers. The law enforcement agencies stand down and allow it for fear of having another George Floyd / Derek Chauvin incident or by direct order of their ‘superiors’. So-called leaders that are suppose to lead but are not. In some cases they are adding to the evil thinking they are doing good. Such is the reasoning of a sick mind. Given over to its own stupidity. Chaos therefore reigns in what used to be a nation of law and order. America like ancient Israel slowly shuffles towards it's own purging fire of judgment.

Ezekiel 5:16-17 When I shower you with the deadly arrows of famine and destruction that I will send to destroy you, I will intensify the famine against you and cut off your supply of food. I will send famine and wild beasts against you, and they will leave you childless. Plague and bloodshed will sweep through you, and I will bring a sword against you. I, the LORD, have spoken.”

In Ezekiel above we see God sending judgment like arrows of destruction upon Israel and each arrow will be its own form of punishment. In this passage we see various forms of penalty against various forms of sin. Every sin will be addressed in its own time by God with every judgment  inflicted. Through disease, violence, hunger, or some other method, every sinner shall become an object on which holy wrath will fall in greater or less heaviness. Multifold sufferings will come because of multifold sins. In other words, the punishment isn’t coming to us…it’s already here. The violence and divisions we see are part of the punishments that overtake any nation that is brazen enough to rebel against God.

In Ezekiel we see the judgment that befalls a nation in direct disobedience to God. A nation who had once obeyed but was then in open revolt against God. In America we see mass shootings and murder that are happening almost weekly and even a daily basis. They are part of the fourfold judgment of God upon America. The displays of senseless destruction, violence, murder, and mayhem we have witnessed city to city in the past year alone are part of that judgment upon us all. God is allowing a new phase of demonic activity upon this country and it is going to continue to escalate in the coming years as God continues to judge our nation. The direct equivalent of judgment will correlate to the amount of evil God sees and then must judge….just as it was in Ezekiel’s time.

The immoral corporate news media sanitizes its coverage of the vile acts occurring in our cities and only reports on a very few of them when it suits their narrative. We see the overrunning of Washington DC on January 6th in the media ad nauseum but since Summer of 2020 we have heard little of the ruinous heap downtown Portland has become. Vast numbers of senseless acts of violence go unreported because their reality would be too graphic for a national audience. Chicago black-on-black murder for instance. The numbers are just too staggering to absorb.

2 Timothy 3:1-7 But understand this, that yin the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.

The word abusive ἀνήμεροι / anemeroi above literally means brutal or savage like an animal. The implication meaning the people involved are without feeling, remorse or a moral conscience. They would be haters of good. They hate those who tell them they cannot pursue their sins, kill their children in abortions or destroy lives abusing drugs.

Our city streets are war zones. Many of them are unsafe even in daytime. A spirit of lawlessness has manifested itself across America and has spread to younger and younger groups. People are becoming hard-hearted, worldly, and violent. The depth of the problem has reached a point where common decency can no longer be described as 'common'. Decency is the exception not the rule. Somehow a traditional values system got disconnected for a disturbing number of Americans. The fruit from the American tree is stunted and bitter because the tree it comes from is dying.

Public order is disappearing and crime is rampant. Virtually all perverted sinful behavior people engage in is now categorized under normal behavior. That which was once considered a mental disorder and sin is now categorized as acceptable. The lunatics infiltrated the field of psychology and overturned it. The inmates have overrun the asylum.

Due to all these things occurring a door has now opened for more sins. The veil between the demonic and the natural world has been torn down. It has to have become pretty bad when even my non-believing friends are beginning to see the alarming absurdity of the violence and immorality. Something evil this way comes. The armies of Hell are pouring through the cracks rent in the seams of reality.

Through the fissure every form of unspeakable evil is gaining a foothold. Twenty years ago we would have been appalled and outraged by the decadence and debauchery that fills our streets, TV shows, movies, music and art, video games, businesses, and political bodies. But today many wouldn't even give it a second thought. 

At this point we can only stem the tide of evil for those we love by standing in the gaps and defending our homes and loved ones from the hellborn horde charging out of the fiery breach that is opening in all of our lives. How we defend against will be the difference between eternal life or condemnation. The Word of God is the place to start. Turn back before its to late or abandon hope all ye who enter.

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