July 19, 2010

Examining The Scripture LXXXII: Psalm 110 - Kingdom of The Lord

Psalm 110 is a "Messianic Psalm" or “Prophetic Psalm” or it can also be known to a lesser extent as a Royal Psalm, they are both used as Liturgical Psalms for public worship. This is to say it has prophetic or eschatological implications as believers look forward in the future to some tremendous victory over God’s enemies and evil. Statements alluding to battle and “You will rule in the midst of your enemies” and “The Lord will extend you mighty scepter from Zion” are clear indicators of rule and some form of combat over and adversary. David hears a conversation between the Lord (Yahweh) and the Lord (Adonay) or between God the Father and the Messiah (Son). The Messiah is sitting on the right hand which is the place of authority until the end of the age. At that Father will send the Son to make His enemies His footstool or to completely subjugate them (Ross 873)

Overall Psalm speaks to the promise of God pertaining to David, the Davidic lineage and the covenant. It is a praise of things to come. The power of the Davidic line comes from God and God alone. Here we have a dualistic intent referring to both David and Jesus which are more or less that same. Verse 4 clearly shows the immutability and steadfastness of His promise(s). Referring to His covenant with David it says He will not change His mind. We also learn in this verse that not only will God’s promise come to pass but the “king” will also be a priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Unless people completely miss the point of the Bible or are unconscious it is hard to miss the meaning in this psalm or why it is the most often quoted. It refers to Jesus Christ and His coming kingdom which at the time of His life becomes the “Now and Not Yet”. Considering the centrality of the Bible and the Christian faith is Jesus this shouldn’t be surprising.

Longman, Tremper, David Garland, and Willem Vangemeren. "Book V: Psalms 107-150." Psalms (The Expositor's Bible Commentary). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2008. 590-605. Print

Ross, Allen , John Walvoord. "Psalm 110." Bible Knowledge Commentary Old Testament: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Bible Knowledge). Acambaro: Victor, 1985. 873-874. Print.

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