July 10, 2010

Sifting The Word To Find What We Want, Not What We Need

Can it be that the Bible is belittled, mocked, ridiculed and frowned upon because sometimes ‘With man as a filter through which the Word must pass, it becomes contaminated by the impurities and dregs still in the filter’? Man is justified in Christ and saved at the point of his acceptance by faith but he is not totally sanctified, holy, pure, thereby still stained but not filled with sin. Could it be that if man is the intermediary of the meaning or interpretation of the Word it is inevitable that he censors out what he doesn’t want to read or doesn’t want to obey? He then only reads and interprets what he wants to see and hear because that is his nature? This is then reflected outward to the world in his actions and a natural response to this man is: "Hypocrite".

Can we humble ourselves enough to realize that sometimes by filtering the message through threadbare filters we have distorted it to suit our own sinful nature and distorted lives and even non-believers can see it?

We need to receive what God wants to give us from the Word, not take what we think we need. When we become the judge of what is proper for us without consulting God we will not properly benefit from our foray into the Bible. Instead of an aromatic and satisfying end result we will only come out with a used version of what we went in with because we will have contaminated the outcome with our attitude and presuppostions. In other words, if we go into the Bible angry we will only see anger in the text and that is apostasy and reading something into the text that isn't there.

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