September 20, 2010


The nearly incomprehensible nature of the Trinity and the mystery of It is all the proof I need to believe that It is something that couldn’t have been created. It is something that needed to be revealed. What human mind could’ve ever conceived it? What of the mysteries contained in the creation itself? Who would’ve ever guessed that just the act of observing the inner workings of an atom disturb it in such a way that, by observing it, we make it impossible to know for sure the locations of subatomic particles within it. According to Werner Heisenberg it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and velocity of an electron or any other particle with any great degree of accuracy or certainty because by observation we disturb it. But yet it exists. Not only does it exist, without it we could not exist. Who'd have guessed that atoms are made up of mostly empty space (99.999%) and yet everything is made of atoms such as steel, rocks and other "hard" objects (my head). For something that is mostly empty space (like my head), it sure feels solid. Who could've ever imagined that atoms are held together by "forces" that science cannot completely substantiate or quantify, yet without these "forces", everything would fly apart (Hebrews 1, John 1). Everything is held in a perfect stable balance. That the very things within the atom that make up what and atom is, the "stuff" we view as the "solid" portion of the atom such as a the protons, electrons and neutrons are not necessarily matter at all but actually compressed energy...more interestingly, compressed light. So imagine all this reality around us is mostly empty space and what does fill it as matter is compressed energy. Who could've imagined it? I'll tell you who, God did. Not only imagined it He spoke it into existence. Eventually he will destroy it also. At least the version we see now.

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