November 2, 2019

Bad Ideas As Weapons

Another aside about the state of affairs in the world on November 2, 2019...

The social order is upside-down. I partially blame the ubiquity of the Internet and the voice it gives people and the rest of the blame are the idiots who are running the government giving power to the loudest voices.

Some people are given voices and probably should't talk. Some people who should speak aren't given a voice and aren't allowed to or aren't given a platform.

Tools misused become weapons. Plowshares become swords. Words become war. Shovels to plant food can be used to bury the bodies.

The internet gives everyone with an opinion a conduit for propagation of ideas good or bad. Although everyone has the constitutional right to free speech some really are better served by silence. Where words are many a fool is not absent. This country allows you to say whatever you want but some ideas are just plan stupid and are better off not stated. Unfortunately, some of those stupid ideas get out of their mental cage through people's mouths. They become reality. Surreal reality.

Some bad ideas become actions. Those bad ideas that become bad actions have consequences.

Including some of mine. End result....Division, Destroyed relationships. Broken bones. Scars. Stress. Sin. Death.

The largest problem then is simple. The bad ideas that become bad actions aren't owned by anyone. They're out there floating around in the aether. Once out of their cage they rabidly ravage the world. Pandora's Box. Few are held responsible for their bad ideas and blame ensures. No accountability.

A nation of petulant children making bad decisions and not being held accountable.

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