November 26, 2019

Gazing Into The Void

My theory/thesis is simple. I am writing to show how Hegelian Dialectic is being used to debase morality and destroy a nation. Whether intentional or not the signs of it are clearly in play. For it to have been so effectively implemented reeks of a supernatural impetus but I will reserve comment on its true source. I’ll let you determine that. What I will say is that people have been useful idiots in propagating Hegelian Dialectic unaware and ignorantly. I intend to remove said ignorance in a short and concise post. I’ve posted on this numerous times in the past and it always comes back around as we sink deeper into an immoral abyss.

I thought I was done writing on politics but alas…there is more. I am now dealing with an issue of polemics in this post not politics proper. Not politics itself but how it is being used improperly to achieve an ungodly end. Although I am going to bash liberals, it is my firm belief the conservatives are just as bad. Both are being used as tools in this and both are brainwashed to a greater extent. The flip side to a bad coin is still a bad coin. Christians get sucked in way too deeply when it comes to the Right/Left paradigm in American politics and are usually wrong biblically, ideologically and ethically. The unbiblical and progressive types lean liberal in America. Then again so do many conservatives in self-righteous indignation.

Unfortunately, the Right that has been hog-tied to the Evangelical base since the 1980’s because of the Christian Coalition, Christian Right and other church/state amalgamations. It has become so bad that most cannot see that Christian and ‘political Right’ have become synonymous terms. Due to Hegelian Dialectic the political Right has allowed politics and morality to drift left. So essentially all of the nation has slowly drift towards liberalism and eased or lax social norms.  I adhere to neither side as I now view the American two-party political system as a vast socio-cultural Hegelian dialectic construct (thesis, antithesis, synthesis).

Simply put, the Hegelian dialectics (Greek: διαλεκτική, dialektikḗ; related to dialogue), is at base a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments. They come to some form of agreement. Dialectic comprises three stages of development: first, a thesis or statement of an idea. Second, a reaction or antithesis that contradicts or negates the thesis, and third, the synthesis, a statement through which the differences between the two points are resolved. The synthesis is always a compromise towards more lax or lenient ideas, morality or ethics…as humans nearly always opt for a path of least resistance to avoid conflict.

Firstly, people need a break from it. I need to make this blog a space for education and evangelism not politics and pundits. A large majority of America is being sucked into is the Hegelian Dialectic of polarizing political thought in the United States.  It is being propagated by the media. The orange is in neither left nor right hand. The Hegelian Dialectic process is the notion that conflict creates history. From this axiom it follows that controlled conflict can create a predetermined history. For example, some government policy discusses 'managed conflict', as it does extensively in its literature, it implies the managed use of conflict for long run predetermined ends—not for the mere random exercise of manipulative control. It is being used to solve a problem or create an end through division.
Democracy should work in theory, but it wasn’t necessarily meant to be just a two-party system. The current social/cultural dialectic is inevitably heading towards a toilet even when we have the Right in the driver’s seat as most Republicans are centrists. The centrists are just closeted liberals or more properly: Moderate Liberals. The Right is farther left then the political views of JFK, LBJ and even Carter.

Hegelian dialectic takes this 'managed conflict' process one step further. In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the thesis) generates a counter-force (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the forming of a synthesis. Then the process starts all over again: Thesis vs. antithesis results in synthesis. It's like two companies with undisclosed common stockholding submitting competitive tenders for a project on a site for which their stockholder has different plans altogether. Whatever the outcome, the stockholder is in beneficial control.

The same is being done with immorality and erosion of morality and ethical norms in the country. In Hegelian philosophy the conflict of political 'Right' and political 'Left', or thesis and antithesis in Hegelian terms, is essential to the forward movement of history and historical change itself. Conflict between thesis and antithesis brings about a synthesis or new historical situation. In our case a new moral low, further debasement or destruction of biblical norm. In the case of society, the abolishment or destruction of morality completely. Immorality becomes the new normal. Confusion of terms is the new normal. The inability to properly define words the new normal. The inability to define gender is the new normal. The inability to define right and wrong. If there is no way to define what is right or what is wrong all we are left with is our feelings. There is no longer correct or incorrect…only 'feelie' subjectivity. Welcome to the United States 2020 both in the churches and general populace. 

To me there is no right or left. Only biblical. This vastly simplifies things for me and allows me to think clearly and objectively. The reality though is there is a manipulation of 'Left' and 'Right' paradigm in America. In truth, Wall Street supports both Republicans and Democrats, as their Australian associates support Liberal and Labor. This is duplicated all over the international field where 'Left' and 'Right' political structures are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for a synthesis that results in the destruction of morality and it is called progressive. It is called tolerance. 

In fact, 'Left' and 'Right' are two controlled factions of the same coin. The end net result is removal of God. Removal of morality and eventually the removal of reason as words and their meanings will be removed. Once this happens all discourse ends, and anarchy ensues…and I suspect it is deliberate and part of a great plan. The question then becomes: Who is in the one who orchestrates? What drives it? I think you know. We are now staring into the moral void. We thought we were slipping down the rabbit hole. It turns out it was a cesspool. Left, right and the center shifts farther into the abyss away from God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Objectivity? Fact based?

What would a Chinese expert with the exact same skill set which you possess say?
An atheist Iraqi?
A new aged New Zealander?
A Canadian Jew?
A Singaporean Catholic?
An on the reservations Native American Buddhist?
An Ecuadorian Christian Scientist?
An American black women?
An American WHITE woman?
An American _____ woman?
A gay, Dutch Agnostic?

They all posses the EXACT skill level and knowledge of Koine Greek and of the colloquial usage of and belief system of those for whom the Bible was written 'for" at the time as you have been blessed with?

If their interpretation is not the same as yours, who is correct? Who is the MOST correct?

Please answer. I need the t!

I suspect it is certainly "The Great Andrew, The New Testament Prophet" living alone in a dirty hole in SD or in a Floridian palace with his perfect wife and their equally perfect, perfectly believing Children who has every answer, every nuance, every everything, perfectly translated with the key to the survival of each and every one of us dependent on hearing his Word. What other answer could it be? Who else but the one white guy could know?

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