November 16, 2019

In Their Own Words XLI: A Vast Unseen Force, Part 1

So, I recently read an article that at first intrigued me (actually, its title did) but then deeply saddened me as some of these articles have a habit of doing. Intrigued because I thought it was going to be some foray into inductive reasoning that someone did giving them a profound new insight of the cosmos (κόσμος) that no one had made before. I love when people take adventures intellectually and God rewards them with gems of knowledge. Instead of revealing something heretofore unknown in the article...I just see a mind-boggling godless ignorance. Again, I feel compelled to give a biblical take on it because…well…it’s what I do. The original article resides here:
The exact quote in the article stated:

“But despite their differences [galaxies], and the mind-boggling distances between them, scientists have noticed that some galaxies move together in odd and often unexplained patterns, as if they are connected by a vast unseen force.” ~ Becky Ferreira

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Edwin Hubble, the man for which the famous Hubble Space Telescope was named. Well, he’s suddenly relevant again 66 years after his death. He was an astronomer whose work helped define our modern Cosmology which is the study and understanding of the universe. Hubble helped astronomers see that we live in an expanding universe, one in which every galaxy is moving away from every other in what appeared to be a uniform expansion onward/outward.

Any introductory book about cosmology or galaxies, will now likely include something called Hubble’s Law or Hubble’s Constant. It states that, “…the more distant the galaxy, the faster it is moving away from us.” This concept is at the heart of our modern cosmology in which the entire universe – space, time and matter – is thought to have been born in a Big Bang. Hubble's Constant is fundamental to Cosmology the way evolution is to Biology. If it is undermined, all of cosmology has to be essentially reformulated as the cornerstone has been pulled out from underneath it. I digress... It is a universe expanding or moving outward uniformly and this assumption has held sway for 90 years. 

Modern science seems to now differ in that view. There is growing ‘evidence’ and it is now believed that the universe is connected by an enormous, mostly unseen structure. Scientists are finding that galaxies can move with each other across huge distances, and against the predictions of basic cosmological gravitational models. Our Milky Way is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies strewn across the universe. Despite the distances between them, science has just recently noticed that some galaxies move together in unexplained patterns independent from gravitational effects. Uhhhh, so much for the uniform expanding universe model as explanation for galactic movement by Hubble.

In the past it has already been observed that galaxies within a few million light years of each other can exert effects (gravity) on each other in predictable ways. Scientists are now observing these mysterious patterns between much more distant galaxies that transcend those local interactions. It's as if there is a quantum entanglement taking place. That is why science believes there are unseen structures or a force at work in the universe. Scientists have yet to explain them or even properly name them as this is such a newly observed phenomenon.

So using logical reasoning alone here....

If everything was moving in the same direction and at Hubble’s constant, the universe would be, well, uniform. It’s not. In other words, at the interstellar level everything isn’t moving synchronously in the same direction (expanding universe) as mindless object(s) would if force was applied to it. Instead, it appears some things are moving  ‘together’ in a cellular way contrary to logic and force. That means another force needs to have acted on these objects contrary to their initial impetus (Newton's 1st Law of Motion). What's more interesting is they are moving attached to some but not to others nearby. That means they needed to stop and change direction independent their neighbor. Their inertia is stopped and a new force applied. They (or it) move the way ‘it’ wants autonomously…. in sovereignty. Sovereign as if its steering itself or being steered independent to the rest of created neighbors. Let’s just call it for what it is. We are seeing a modified teleological (design) argument for the existence of God. 

It is literally the Watchmaker Analogy with with the hands on the watch moving backwards. Not only was there intelligence in the creation of the watch putting it in motion but something is also, at times (pun intended) moving the hands backwards. Cellular, autonomous, sovereign, non-uniform, independent movements. A universe that is filled with a pattern or structure dictated by physical laws…except…when its not.

Exceptions of non-uniform movement in an otherwise uniform universe governed by uniform laws. 

Non-uniform movement that manifests signs of intelligence. The movement therefore appears symbiotic or interdependent and cellular in some instances as if driven by a sentient motor. Like a living intelligent being. Am I saying these structures are alive per se? Not at all. What I am saying is the forces behind them is. That the vast distances between celestial objects is not complete vacuum and galaxies are not wholly isolated from one another. To a omnipresent, omnipotent, timeless entity everything in existence is the eternal 'here' and 'now' in both space and time (the Quantum Entanglement). 

Also, calling these structures invisible is a misnomer. They are likely not structures at all. They're spiritual. They are forces at work like gravitation (but not gravity as science would’ve determined it). A cosmic web or system. Symbiotic. Lifelike in its interactions. Like there is sentient intelligence behind its movement but also governed by physical laws. At work in them all is a force or forces which cause the movement.

I guess I’ll just come right out and say it. What we’re seeing here is the unseen hand of the Aristotelian Unmoved Mover (ὃ οὐ κινούμενον κινεῖ) or 'that which moves without being moved'. Science totally discounted the metaphysical and the end result has been disastrous for explaining these phenomena. Sound logical philosophic reasoning points me immediately to an answer...


[See next post: In Their Own Words XLI: A Vast Unseen Force, Part 2 for conclusion]

1 comment:

El LaGrew said...

Very thought provoking. I'm not an intellectual by any means, but this fascinates me. How little we know-know. Good writing though. I'm going on to part 2

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