Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh and by proxy (for the Lord) they tell Pharaoh to let His people go to feast to Him (the Lord) in the wilderness. Pharaoh claims no knowledge of the Lord and refuses. This is not a great way to begin a mass exodus out of slavery. Because their (Moses & Aaron’s) visit apparently took people away from their work, not only does Pharaoh refuse release of the Hebrews he actually increases their burden. He forces them to make bricks for building without giving them straw to do so and demanding that they still meet their daily quota of bricks. This requires that they scavenge far and wide for the required straw to make the bricks. The foremen are subsequently beaten for not meeting the quota of brick. This sends up a lament from the Hebrews to Pharaoh asking why they are being treated this way. Pharaoh seems as if he mocks them at this point by mimicking their lament, “Let us go and sacrifice to the Lord.” He then tells them they are idle (lazy) and insists the quota remain the same.
The Hebrew slaves depart from Pharaoh and eventually turn their anger and frustration on Moses and Aaron claiming the Lord should judge Moses and Aaron for bringing this torment on them. Moses then does the same about-face to the Lord and posing the same line of petulant questioning, challenging God’s character by asking, “why have you done evil to this people?” and “why me?” completely failing to understand God’s purposes. There is doubt and a lack of faith on Moses behalf just as there is on the Hebrews.

God then asserts himself by re-establishing who He is and what He will do to Pharaoh. He reminds Moses of the covenant with Abraham and ends with a promise of deliverance from Egypt. The Lord commands Moses to to tell the people to reassure them that He will deliver them to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He also says (and this is one of my favorites) that God will “take you to be my people and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. This is a shadow of the believers like us also: Under the burden of the world and sin and to be delivered by the Lord. Moses spoke the words but the people didn’t listen because of their horrible yoke of slavery. The Lord then commands Moses to demand the release of His people from Pharaoh. Moses again flounders on this command because he claims he has uncircumcised lips which I believe is a reference to his known speech impediment.
Below is a short grocery list style of God promises (McGee 220):
• He’ll bring them out of Egyptian bondage
• He’ll get them out from under the burden of Egyptians
• He’ll redeem them with an outstretched arm
• He’ll take them to Himself as a people
• He’ll be their God
• He’ll bring them into the “promised” land
• He’ll give to them a heritage.
As it turns out, God had everything under control. We need only trust and believe in the Lord.
"...Everything is possible for him who believes." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" Mark 9:23-24McGee, J. Vernon. "Exodus." Thru the Bible, Vol. 1: Genesis-Deuteronomy. Waco, TX: Thomas Nelson, 1983. 220. Print.
That is my daily cry and plea to God... "I do believe-help me overcome my unbelief!" I know He will!
My UNBELIEF is my daily sin-defiance and rebellion to Him, running from Him---REPENTING is running to Him-the foot of the CROSS...
great blog. keep on writing brother!
by the way i borrowed the "believe" photo of u don't mind. thanks sir
here's my blog:
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