"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." ~Ecclesiastes 1:9
I am not recreating the wheel I am trying to decipher the workings of the wheel and explain some of the neat stuff I find when I begin to pull it apart. I "shake the tree" in as sound a hermeneutical and exegetical manner as possible to see what comes out. I view things often from a 30,000 ft. perspective/context and then I zoom in to analyize all the nuances in the text(s) itself. I don't claim to find something that isn't already there I am only seeing if there is more depth to areas that I am studying. I have often found that Hebrew and Greek transliteration/translations aren't always linear and we loose some of the "color" bringing the original ancient texts across languages and across millenia.
Occasionally, because I approach the text from and odd angle I find something interesting. God laid out this wonderful book and it his chock full of stuff that warrants mentioning. I am only utilizing it and reading it with an eccentric and quirky personality to view it with a slightly tilted head. Often times I read stuff and write about it only to cock my head to the right in befuddlement at the truth I uncovered (kind of like my dog tilting its head when I make a high-pitch noise). I then pass these observations on to you.
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