The Laws for Offerings in Leviticus: Chapters 1-7
Brief Synopsis: The post is on the Law of the Offering(s), what it/they were for along with special instructions on how to perform the sacrificial rite itself. This is for all those that have trouble getting through these seven chapters without lapsing into narcolepsy.
The Burnt Offering: It was the basic offering to the Lord that expressed devotion and dedication to the Lord (Wiersbe 256)
1. The offering was brought by anyone to the tabernacle and would make atonement for he who offered it.
2. The priest was to burn all of it on the altar (1:9). When we surrender to God, we submit and surrender completely to Him. Anything less is denying Him what is rightly His anyway (Wiersbe 256).
The Grain/Meal Offering: It was an offering of flour presented either fresh, baked, fried or cooked (Sailhamer 324). Grain represented fruit of our labor and as such was a way for the Israelites to dedicate to God what He had allowed them to produce. Also represents the daily bread and The Bread of Life: Jesus (Wiersbe 257).
1. Portion was burned on alter, the rest went to the priest.
2. No leaven
3. The priest was to burn all of it on the altar. When we surrender to God, we submit and surrender completely to Him. Anything less is denying Him what is rightly His anyway.
The Peace Offering: Was an expression of thankfulness that the person offering was at peace with God or a right relationship and subject to God’s blessings if God saw fit to bestow them.
1. Only the fat portions and blood are burned, the rest eaten by priests and offerer. Because of this it is considered a form of fellowship.
The Sin Offering: Was to atone for unintentional violation of God’s commandments, false witness, oath violations, uncleanness, etc.
1. The higher the status of the sinner the greater the sacrifice required. The greater the privelage given by God the greater the consequences.
2. Fat burned on alter, remainder burned outside camp
The Guilt/Trespass Offering: Was for the restitution of wrong along with the atonement to God for the wrong itself (Wiersbe 327)
1. The sin was an offense to God first and foremost
2. The sin was against one’s neighbor
Sailhamer, Dr. John H.. "Chapter 3: Leviticus." Pentateuch as Narrative, The. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1995. 324-329. Print.
Wiersbe, Warren W.. "The Sacrifices and The Savior." The Bible Exposition Commentary: Old Testament Genesis-Deuteronomy (The Pentateuch) (Bible Exposition Commentary). Acambaro: Victor, 2001. 256-260. Print
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Thanks Bob. I love God and the Scripture but I also love the unsaved mass of humanity. Unfortunately, the unsaved masses need often to be convinced of their error before they can even realize they are heading in the wrong direction. I go to them and pull down intellectual towers (2 Cor 10:5) That is where apologetics comes in handy. Knowing how to talk their language in their land. I can often reach some of the "intellectuals" because of my engineering background. I can speak their language of repeatability and evidential truth. I have a friend named Pete that may also be interested in your site. In Christ, Andy
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