September 17, 2010

When Does A Reprobate Realize They're Reprobate?

In Romans 1:18-32 Paul talks about the effects of sin on our knowledge of God and those effects are anything but pretty. As a matter of fact, anyone with a clear mind now should be diligent in understanding what Paul says here about sin's effects. It should terrify any obedient Christian. In effect, what it is saying is this: If you are reprobate you probably won't even know it. If you are reprobate you have already been turned over to your sin and warped/distorted thinking. You are already being punished for your sin. God has already cut you loose and you have crossed the event horizon of punishment. The point of no return. The only way you would ever be able to come back across this invisible boundary is if God Himself pulls you back in His mercy and grace.

The general understanding of the effect of sin on our knowledge of God is, in a word: “detrimental”. In the end it builds up God’s wrath on the unrighteousness which is not a real good place to be. I have chosen, more or less, a hybrid dialectic/antithetic comparison verse-by-verse where the verses were applicable as it helps address individual statements in particular verse. This also helps comparing the sin (cause) and the direct effect on humans (us).

(v. 18) …by their unrighteousness suppress the truth [Gk: aletheia]. (v.19) A truth that is “plain” and “God has shown it to them” so they are “without excuse”.
Andy’s Translation: God (Jesus) is truth (John 14:6 … I am the way, and the truth [Gk: aletheia], and the life). This is to be taken literally so they/we thereby suppress the knowledge of God by suppressing truth.

(v. 21) …although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him.

Andy’s Word’s: Intellectually they/we acknowledge that God exists as many do today but because of sin they did not acknowledge Him in the proper capacity as God, again we see a suppression of the proper reaction to a holy and omnipotent loving God which should’ve been worship and praise. Instead we have feigned/willful ignorance. Because of the above actions man/humans becomes futile in their thinking and their hearts are darkened [Gk: skotizo: obscured; reduced in clarity] (v. 21). Assuming this is the traditional Greek view of the heart this also is the center for where Greeks believed thought originate as both the heart and mind were believed to have been in the chest/breast area.

If they have already rejected God in their thinking as a result of sin, “Claiming to be wise, they became fools”. You cannot have real wisdom without a fear of God. Sinning people have little or no fear of God if they are rejecting God “since the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” Proverbs 1:7.

Once humans reach this point they have pretty much have gone AWOL (absent without the Lord) and have begun to rely on their own works and their own volition to get things thought out and to get things done. They become idolaters (v. 23). Humans are released to pursue the own vile dishonorable passions in a continuing downward spiral of sin and sexual immorality thereby receiving the penalty for their own sin and stupidity (v. 24, 26). They serve the creation rather than the Creator. God pretty much release them to pursue their own sin with their “reprobate” minds (v. 28) to pursue them to their meaningless end which is destruction in this world and damnation in the next (v. 32). They turned wholly evil “full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness” (v. 29). They turned into gossips, slanderers, haters of God…haughty, boastful…foolish, faithless, heartless, etc. ruthless.

Unable to think clearly or righteously they begin a downward spiral of sin further corroding any ability to think clearly. A circular trap of their own devising...of their own sin. A Black Hole of sin if you will.

So the answer to the question is this: A Reprobate never realizes he's reprobate unless God intervenes in mercy and grace. Otherwise the downward spiral continues unabated. They continue until they day they die. Consequently, death will not be a release or reprieve for these types of people because I believe God will just allow these reprobates to continue their sinful pursuits in Hell as they are never satiated with these sins or they would've never continued to pursue them during their lives. Think about it folks, what is Hell. A permament seperation from God. When people were/are dwelling and wallowing in their sin here, where were their hearts and minds in relation to God? Seperated from Him. Add them together and you have a place and conditon the never allows you to know full unadulterated happiness and you are seperated from God. You spend eternity pursuing something you think you want but can never have knowing full well that it probably may not be what is best for you anyway. Whats worse is the thing that you should've chose will be forever out of your reach. It sounds nearly Sisyphean to sounds like Hell.


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joe w said...

Friend, your sins have all been paid for. Christ already paid for the sins of the whole ENTIRE WORLD. "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world".

Let me ask you, are all your sins that you ever committed listed in that verse? YES! Christ is the propitiation for ALL SINS, even the sins of the entire WORLD. They have all been laid on Christ. Are there sins you can do that haven't been paid for by Christ? NO! He paid the all the sins of the entire world and he did it once! By once sacrifice he has perfected us forever.

Sin is no longer what separates us from God. Our UNBELIEF separates us. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and YOU WILL BE SAVED. That is it. You are an unworthy sinner and have a broken contrite spirit, God loves that attitude and welcomes it. But he wants you to trust in Christ, forget your past and press forward in belief!

Go and sin no more, see you in heaven!

Jessica said...

Please read this. It may not too late for you.. Hurry!!

Jessica said...

Please it first.. Hurry!!

Anonymous said...

The words of Charles Hadden Spurgeon:
"And now, the closing up is to be an EXHORTATION. An exhortation, first of all, to consolation, One is saying, "Oh! I shall never be in a more happy state than I now am in, I have lost the light of his countenance; he hath clean gone away from me, and I shall perish." You remember in John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," the description of the man shut up in the iron cage. One says to him, "Wilt thou never come out of this cage?" "No, never." "Art thou condemned for ever?" "Yes, I am." "Why was this?" "Why I grieved the Spirit, and he is gone; I once thought I loved him, but I have treated him lightly and he has departed. I went from the paths of righteousness, and now I am locked up here, and cannot get out." Yes, but John Bunyan does not tell you that the man never did get out? There have been some in that iron cage that have come out. There may be one here this morning, who has been for a long while sitting in that iron cage, rattling the bars, trying to break them, trying to file them through with his own little might and strength. Oh! dear friend, you will never file through the iron bars of that terrible cage; you will never escape by yourself. What must you do? You must begin to sing like the bird in the cage does; then the kind master will come and let you out. Cry to him to deliver you; and though you cry and shout, and he shutteth out your prayer, he will hear you by-and-bye; and like Jonah you shall exclaim in days to come, "Out of the belly of hell I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me." You will find the roll under the settle, although you have dropped it down the Hill of Difficulty; and when thou hast it thou will put it in thy bosom again, and hold it all the more tightly, because thou hast lost it for a little season.
"Return, O wanderer, return,
And seek an injured Father's face;
Those warm desires that in thee burn
Were kindled by reclaiming grace."

FFReplica515 said...

I hate everything, I have terrible sexual urges and desires, anti God thoughts, I can't sit still, I'm just waiting in my room. I had the dead heart and mind thing I don't think that's actually being a reprobate. I feel filled with something awful. I can't remember what life used to be like.

Joe said...

Do you believe in Christ? If so, you are a child of God, and if a child, an heir! You sound like you are held captive my friend but the good news is Christ came to set the captives free, if the son sets you free, you are free indeed.

You already are set free but you are not believing it. You see, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. That is a law of God.

If you feel you are filled with something awful, well... you are then. Its your constant negative thinking. You are creating that terrible pattern.

What does God say? Bring everythought to obedience of Christ. Everythought! He said, instead, think on what is lovely, pure, excellent, honest, true ect. God knows our issues come from our heart, our thinking.

Change your thinking and you will start being renewed in your mind day by day. Remember you reap what you sow. If your sowing negative thoughts, you will give birth to them. Mark 11:22-24, whatever you say and believe in your heart comes true. It works for good or bad things!

Speak life to yourself. Get some good bible positive affirmations and say them everyday for 30 days until you actually believe them! Once your heart believes just one positive affirmation, it them comes true. God will see your belief and faith.

Ive been where you are, and this is what I did! You will get free, its a gaurentee, you must believe.

Unknown said...

I did the same thing.
I wanted to watch porn one more time and then I was going to never do it again in the new year...

I now have depersonalization, derealization syndrome.
I feel my brain buzzed all the time like I'm drunk or dead.

I can only sleep for an hour or two

oh my biblical research tells me I'm lost forever.

although the Bible says...
there is hope however for anyone who is among the living for even a live dog is better than I did lion Ecclesiastes 4:9

but I fear I am spiritually dead.

but she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth 1st Timothy 5:6.

Hebrews 10:26 terrifies me.

all I have left is fear.

my only hope is to believe that like God said for man it is impossible but for God nothing is impossible....
and plead that he takes me back.

spend the rest of my life trying to get back to him while living in total agony and terror.
he may not have me back.

another Bible verse is oh how I hated instruction....

he came like a thief in the night and and I have lost everything because of what I've done.

you only hope I can think of is Job 33:20-29

except that I don't think God wakes up my prayers anymore.

jeremiah 11:14

I just have to make sure I don't die in sin... I think that I did not endure until the end and so that means I will...

isaiah 54:8
deuteronomy 31:18

my only hope...
Lamentations 3:29

I fear constantly

Unknown said...

that sounds good. but my faith is gone. how can I strive for something not garunteed, while knowing the horror of my situation?

I think the Bible is clear. I should try. I want to, but I fear it's over.

Joe said...

You did not lose your salvation. I was worse than you and back loving the Lord. Watch my testimony, first vid on my youtube channel. Here is a vid I did on that Hebrews verse. Watch all my vids. 5 of them. You will come out of this. God is chastening you.

Joe said...

JoeJanuary 3, 2021 at 8:14 AM

You did not lose your salvation. I was worse than you and back loving the Lord. Watch my testimony, first vid on my youtube channel. Here is a vid I did on that Hebrews verse. Watch all my vids. 5 of them. You will come out of this. God is chastening you.

Joe said...

JoeJanuary 3, 2021 at 8:14 AM

You did not lose your salvation. I was worse than you and back loving the Lord. Watch my testimony, first vid on my youtube channel. Here is a vid I did on that Hebrews verse. Watch all my vids. 5 of them. You will come out of this. God is chastening you.

Unknown said...

I appreciate it, but I know it's over. now you/we are being wolves in sheep's clothing.. lying and twisting God's word.

Anonymous said...


David III said...

In 2001 I was 21 put into narcanon didn’t realize it was Scientology. I was in there praising Jesus. Once parents realized it was Scientology they pulllled me out. Several months later I was in jail all charges were dropped and just 3 months later I was fire fighter police officer. Felt a peace felt joy but was still in some sin definitely was trying to do better but not sure if I was under conviction. Time went on became addicted to gambling I started 3rd eye meditation in 2017 just looking for relaxation sis not know it was evil I stopped once I realized it was not of Jesus. Started having tingling sensations by my eyebrows and pressure. I thought I was walking in my calling because things I would speak would happen or were happening I believed it was knowledge from Holy Spirit. The past 8 months I been under demonic attack so severe. I still go to church I don’t feel any joy it’s hard to get out of bed because my body aches so bad. I go because I want Jesus I need Him. It’s nice to be around loving Christian people but I feel I crossed a line somewhere and cannot seem to break through. I don’t know if I allowed possession or what but I am seeking i have renounced everything. I work on repenting I’m trying to do everything I know but it’s getting scary. I don’t know if I have a reprobate mind? People see my cry my heart and they just can’t seem to believe what’s going on but it’s real. Stay away from those types of meditation you step into something you should not. How was I so blind. Yes growing up was super tough but I’m 41 I have forgiven everyone and I’m the one that’s accountable. You read where some people are set free from occult things and possession. I would appreciate any prayers any encouragement. I’m here in Arkansas and it’s real lonely tonight. I will fight I won’t quit. I’ll pray for everyone on here. God please have mercy on us all. Thank you for reading. A lot more than just this but it’s pretty deep. Jesus we need you.

David III said...

Praying for you. I know satan cannot tell the truth. I was looking for some sort of escape the other morning in such pain already felt sentenced to hell so I watched porn but you realize afterwards that it’s no joy. And you feel worse. All we can do is seek to be near those that love and walk with Jesus. I know soon as you are alone the pain the fear is constant. I did this 3rs eye meditation in 2017 and am suffering today from it. Had no idea it was something bad. How could I be so blind. God will use it for our good if we surrender it to Him. His time is different than ours but if we can turn from it and help someone else. Let them know how dark that road is to feel as God is not with you. I know faith is not a feeling. If we are breathing I believe as hard as it is and I am having the hardest battle and demonic attacks of my life we can believe Jesus will break through. We must have an accountability partner if possible if you feel like porn or doing something not right we can call. Of course pray to Jesus even if you aren’t sure He hears I believe he does. Things I experienced with the 3rd eye is a world that people should not see. I would appreciate your prayers. I’m gonna be praying for you as well.

Unknown said...

I want to thank everyone so much for their openesss and honesty. Please forgive any typos due to my iPad but I wanted to share my experience and thoughts. I have walked away more times than I ever thought I would. I hate it and retreat it and feel so ashamed for it. I understand the loss of peace hope love and assurance. I have wondered many times have I lost my salvation I am sure I have prayed the sinners prayer more times that I can count. The hopelessness that I have read here is very much my own experience. The question I might ask and hope to encourage others with us this. If God has totally and irrevocably left us then why are we seeking repentance and faith. Could it be that that if we are seeking repentance and faith and fellowship with God that in itself is evidence that He has not given up on us? That indeed he is working on us and drawing us back to HIM. Could it be that the one who is truly lost has no thought for God at all and yet I hear faith and repentance in these stories. I walked away for almost 20 years with times of repentance and return in those years and God is at work in me yet again or else why would I tech out in faith here and not to try to help others that are suffering. God just showed me that as I was typing. I am willing to talk to anyone who needs help. One thing we must remember is that Gods word has more authority than any FEELING we have. We put too much focus on feeling. Trust what Jesus did on the cross. It’s enough for all of our sins past present and future to be taken care of it’s this truth that will give us victory over continuous defeat. Charles

Ray Nardi said...

Would you please pray for me as well? I just feel like I also am a reprobate...however, if you are correct, which I pray that you are, and God is actually blessing a person by revealing the condition of their heart to them, then I pray that he would keep chipping away at my hard heart! But please, pray for me!

David III said...

I’m praying for you. I’ve been putting on the King James Version on my phone and listening to Bible readings while in bed. It’s a hard battle my friend. We can’t just lay down and die and do nothing. Gods ways are not our ways. His power and love is greater than we can comprehend. I’m still battling hard, surround yourself with Christian loving folks when you can. All we can do is put our hope and faith in Jesus. Keep pleading the blood of Jesus. Keep seeking after His heart. Message anytime. I sure would appreciate your prayers as well my friend. I’m here in Arkansas, but Our Heavenly Father is everywhere. We all have different circumstances and battle different things. Love you my friend you keep walking, crawling, and reaching to Jesus!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe that all had a reprobate mind before being saved. Man is a totally depraved sinner. God draws to the son. If we turn from that which we know is wrong and cooperate with God by the Holy Spirit. Read God's word change where God says take up our cross deny self and follow Jesus. Many get distracted by relationships however it must always be your will be done Lord not mine.. If God says no to a relationship its no he doesn't change his mind. However grace paves the way out of a wrong choice through repentance only.

David III said...

Thank you much. Under such attacks right now!

Unknown said...

To unknown. Are you still alive? I've been turned over to a reprobate mind and now I'm suffering with horrible physical,mental and spiritual torments. I was involved in the occult.God chastened me twice. The first time was in my mind for 6 months. The second time was in my mind and body for 3 yrs. Every time this happened it was accompanied by a vision of fire. This time I had a dream I was burning in fire and felt intense pain. I blasphemed the holy spirit and trampled on the blood of Jesus. I cry constantly. I have been blessed by God in so many ways but remained unthankful. I ignored my conscience and the spirit of God even when He showed me signs and wonders.I feel like such a fool.I havent slept in 6 months and my body is falling apart. I have a beautiful family and they love me to death.I dont deserve there love.God warned me and I didn't listen and now I'm in terror all the time.I cant believe I did this to myself and my family.ive lost all hope and feel like I'm losing it.I don't know what to do.

David III said...

So sorry for your torment. Through our pain hopefully we can reach someone that’s lost. It’s so scary I have love for you. Don’t know you but I’m sending a hug from Arkansas. All things I keep telling myself are possible through Christ Jesus. Even we don’t feel it we gotta keep seeking a breakthrough. I do feel your deep fear and pain and there’s no way to put that into words. We can only hope for one another and stay in the battle as long as we have breath.

Tm said...


Tm said...

Wanna talk?

Tm said...

Wanna talk?

Tm said...

Does anyone going through this wanna talk and start a group chat?

Tm said...

Wanna talk?

FFReplica515 said...

Hey Trent

Tm said...

Does anyone wanna talk?

Tm said...

I’m in same state, just figured it’d be nice to have a groupchar or something. Interested?

Tm said...

Tm said...

Can we talk?

Tm said...

Wanna talk. Same state

Tm said...

Can we talk? Same here

Tm said...

Can we talk? Same here

Unknown said...

I know this is an old post but did anyone turn their life around ?

Sally said...

Yes…this I’ve heard as well.

Sally said...

Same. How are you now?

Joe said...

You can't be reprobrobated by God once saved. It's not possible. Even the children of Israel who sinned greatly on numbers 14, God killed them but still forgave them, notice in a couple verses before Moses asks God to forgive them lest their enemies day the Lord saved them to destroy them. The Lord then said he forgave them but still punished them but still saved. ANY condemnation or loss of "feeling" the spirit is IF THE DEVIL. If you could feel anything you wouldn't be walking by faith.

Sally said...

Is anyone still on here?? I’m in the exact same boat. But my deception went for 26 years. Is there any help??

Sally said...

Is there anyone still on here? Does anyone believe God is actually punishing them? Or outing out his wrath? It cursed?

Unknown said...

I'm here . I'm experiencing a similar ordeal.

Dee said...

BETH ..I really need to hear from Beth...BETH what is your email address? Please let me know how you healed

Dee said...

Did anyone here get better??

Joe said...

Yes, I got better in about. The feeling of loss of salvation lasted around a year. Now I'm back and realized I was never lost, just felt that way because of the sin I committed. God hid his face for awhile and allowed the devil to chastise me horribly. I was even ill for the entire time. So I had a double chastisement. I would have gotten out sooner if I did what I'm talking you first instead of at the end. First, the devil is deceiving you that your situation is hopeless and God is doing this. It feels that way too! But that is not true. You yourself invited the devils attacks on your belief when you fell into wickedness and sin. God just stepped back and let the devil be a tool to bring you back. Here is what you do. Stand by faith now! When all you see is darkness, though an angel tell you that you lost your salvation, be angled, demons heaven or hell, don't believe it! Instead, believe God's word. Print out these scriptures on huge 8x11 paper and put on your bedroom walls. That's what I did and then you will begin to resist the devil and he will flee! It's true and it took me a couple weeks of looking at these scriptures when the loss of salvation thoughts came I would read these out loud. He who has begun a good work in me will finish it in the day of Jesus Christ. He will never leave nor forsake me. All who come to me I will never never (Greek is a double negative never) never never can't out. Grieve not the holy spirit in which WE ARE SEALED, until the day of redemption. When we sin we are chastened so WE WONT BE CONDEMNED with the world. That's the strongest once saved always saved scripture in the Bible. In that Corinthian verse God chastened sinning drunken Christans taking the lords supper unworthy by making them sick and some died! But look what Paul said, God chastened them not lost salvation and chastened them with sickness and death so that THEY WOULDNT BE CONDEMED. What does that tell you. God never never gave up on these vile Christians and went as far as killing them so that they wouldn't be condememend with the world! Print out these scriptures and tape them every where and use them as a weapon. Your fight is against your own mind,Paul said its a battlefield and we win by believing God's word and the devil will flee. I never thought I would ever feel secure again in my salvation and now I 100% do because the devil did flee and I found relieF standing on God's word. If we confess our sins he is faithful to Clense us of all unrighteousness. If you confessed and still feel guilty, it's the devil!

Joe said...

He paid for not only our sins but the sins if the whole world!! Look up the Verde! And if you are a transgresson, Isiah says he makes an offering for the transgressors too! Look it up. You are all forgiven and free but believing the devil because Paul says that we are taken captive by the devil by his will, when we sin!

Yes, I got better in about. The feeling of loss of salvation lasted around a year. Now I'm back and realized I was never lost, just felt that way because of the sin I committed. God hid his face for awhile and allowed the devil to chastise me horribly. I was even ill for the entire time. So I had a double chastisement. I would have gotten out sooner if I did what I'm talking you first instead of at the end. First, the devil is deceiving you that your situation is hopeless and God is doing this. It feels that way too! But that is not true. You yourself invited the devils attacks on your belief when you fell into wickedness and sin. God just stepped back and let the devil be a tool to bring you back. Here is what you do. Stand by faith now! When all you see is darkness, though an angel tell you that you lost your salvation, be angled, demons heaven or hell, don't believe it! Instead, believe God's word. Print out these scriptures on huge 8x11 paper and put on your bedroom walls. That's what I did and then you will begin to resist the devil and he will flee! It's true and it took me a couple weeks of looking at these scriptures when the loss of salvation thoughts came I would read these out loud. He who has begun a good work in me will finish it in the day of Jesus Christ. He will never leave nor forsake me. All who come to me I will never never (Greek is a double negative never) never never can't out. Grieve not the holy spirit in which WE ARE SEALED, until the day of redemption. When we sin we are chastened so WE WONT BE CONDEMNED with the world. That's the strongest once saved always saved scripture in the Bible. In that Corinthian verse God chastened sinning drunken Christans taking the lords supper unworthy by making them sick and some died! But look what Paul said, God chastened them not lost salvation and chastened them with sickness and death so that THEY WOULDNT BE CONDEMED. What does that tell you. God never never gave up on these vile Christians and went as far as killing them so that they wouldn't be condememend with the world! Print out these scriptures and tape them every where and use them as a weapon. Your fight is against your own mind,Paul said its a battlefield and we win by believing God's word and the devil will flee. I never thought I would ever feel secure again in my salvation and now I 100% do because the devil did flee and I found relieF standing on God's word. If we confess our sins he is faithful to Clense us of all unrighteousness. If you confessed and still feel guilty, it's the devil!

Unknown said...

Well said, I was restored as well after I stoped blaming God and accusing Him of punishing me.

Joe said...

Exactly, you have to walk back out of this by faith. Like the children of Israel running around in circles for 40 years yet the land they were looking for was only a weeks journey away! Same with us!

Dee said...

Thank you so much for your response, how long did you believe you were reprobate and what kind of sins did you do and for how long?

Thank you so much !!

Dee said...

The last two posters were very positive thank you! Do you have email so i can get in touch with some questions please

Joe said...

Mine was a year and I thought I lost it over fornication. I have a friend who smoke a cigarette and still thinks he lost it. Whatever sin the devil can use to make you believe you are hopeless is what he uses.

I have a friend who fell into the same sins I did, we bought met on YouTube. I got my security back in about a year but he is going on two years of this hell because I got out by my own faith. I put my foot down believed Christ did indeed cover me, resisted the devil and his lies and he fled. I'm out but my friend is stuck and can't get out by his faith. He will eventually.

Dee said...

Did you do sins for a very long time without repenting?

Joe said...

Yes, I did for a long time. But it doesn't matter because scripture says God is not counting our sins against us but reconciled us to him by the death of his son. Also, 1st John, Jesus paid for not only our sins, but the sins of the whole world. Let me ask you, are your sins part of not only ours" or part of the "whole world"? I'll tell you, it doesn't matter which part,because your sins are in that verse and they are paid for. Your sins are paid for the moment you or anyone believes Christ as savior. You are now being squashed by the devils lies, not by God's word who says you are forgiven. It only takes a few weeks of believing this and you will be free and the devil will lose his grip on you. King David committed adultery fornication, lies and murder, 6 months later zero repentance, yet Nathan had to tell him he was guilty, God chastised King David as he does all his sinning kids..
Look at the adulterer women caught in the very ACT, she didn't even repent, she was brought to Christ and Jesus said he didn't condemn her, to go and sin no more. You are free, don't use it for the world anymore unless you get chastised more, but he doesn't it to bring us back. You are back, I can tell. But the father never left.

Dee said...

How long did you feel like a reprobate? Did you meet all the criteria for what a reprobate is?

Dee said...

You were reprobate for 26 years? Are you feeling any better?

Joe said...

You are a prodigal child not a reprobate. A reprobate never desires to come to the Lord, that's why they are reprobate. Remember Jesus said, all who come to me, I will in NO wise cast out. Just meditate on that verse and use it as your sword and shield against Satan. Hang your very life on that verse. Make it your life's montra. Even you have doubts,repeat that verse out loud. When you get scared, repeat that verse you loud. Repeat that verse so much that you actually believe in. And when you finally believe it because you will and should, because that's what God says, when you finally believe it,you will rest and all fear and the devil will flee.

Don't let the devil steal that verse from you by him using other scripture against you because he 100% will bring every verse that alludes to losing your salvation and being reprobate when you stand up to that devil with that verse. All who come to me I will no wise cast out. Once you say it and try to believe it then the devil says to you, "you've been gone too long", you say no, there is no time limit on that verse, devil will say, "but you were saved and you left and sinned for years. You say, no it doesn't say that, all who come to me, I will in no wise cast out and then bomb Satan with 1st John 2:2. Jesus paid for my sins but not only kine but the entire world. As you can see Satan, my sins and backsliding are in that verse because I am the world. If he says you fell away because he tried to say I was one of the 3 bad seeds in the 4 seed parable, I would say, no Satan, I don't know exactly what that verse means and who it addresses but I do know do know what this means "he who started a good work in you will finish it in the day of Christ. I chose to trust that. If he says Hebrews 10 willfully sinned, the devil used that on me alot. But this talks about a Jew who sins wilfully and the write is explaining to that Jew that if you sin willfully now that christ is come and died and rose again, if you sin, you can't go back to the temple to sacrifice animals for willfully sin because that's gone, the covenant where Jesus was sanctified is here and that is where you will be forgiven now, and if you don't believe in him, you can't go back go the old sacrifice system, if you do, it doesn't work and your doomed. That's what that verse means, it was written to the Hebrew Jews and that is its ONLY interpretation. So do not whatsoever let that verse have any power over you. The devil loves to use it on us but if you study the verse and pray for understanding and ask the father to help you fight the devil, you will understand the Verse and the devil will flee.

I gave you the blue print of how I fought above. I fought this way for weeks and then I was free. Once I actually finally believe I wasn't cast out, I came back and rested on the word. My joy came back 10 fold and a new fondness for what Jesus done for me and love for him grew. But you have to first truly believe you are forgiven. There isn't one thing you can do (works good or bad) to be forgiven. You only are forgiven by what you believe, and that's faith!

Paul says to fight the good fight of faith and that we wrestle with principalities in the unseen world and that's in our thoughts, the devil attacks us through our thoughts because that's all he can do. Paul says take every thought captive and being it to christ. How did Jesus beat the devil I'm the wilderness? He used the word. You need to exercise all your faith. If you fight with the word, refuse to believe even the clearest Bible verse that would allude to reprobation and negate it will a clear verse of "not counting our trespasses against us".

Fight fight fight and you WILL win.

Dee said...

Thank you how long did you think you were reprobate for and did you commit lots of sins in your life and then come back? Did you think you lost the holy spirit too? Thank you so much for your help!!

Dee said...

What sins did you commit and for how long if you don't mind me asking?

Dee said...

Are you still on here?

Dee said...

Are you any better??

Joe said...

Yeah I'm here. I'm free still. God is chastening you out of love. He WILL draw you back. Had he not chastened you with the fear of the Lord, you would have been left in your sin. But now, his kindness, by hiding his face and sending you judgment, leads to your purification. Don't forget. EVERYONE will be salted with fire. Mark 9:49. You are being baptized by fire, it sucks, it hurts, it's fearful but God always wins and you will be with him in paradise, you can count on that. What child does a good father chasten not? The chastening of this present time is NOT joyous but GRIEVOUS. Are grieving? You are being chastened my friend. I've gone through the same exact Flames and am better for it. I was a fornicator, angry, self righteous person, that's after I was saved. God put me into hell and pulled me out. God also put King David in hell, look it up. Hell can be here too, David said, all thy waves passed over me, if I make my bed in hell though are there, from the gates of hell you heard my. David also said, our God is merciful! That's after David whent through the fire. God does not respect persons, if he puts David in torments and anguish over sin, he will us too. David was a prohpet and God did that to him, how much more us. He doesn't respect persons. He does it to ALL his children and his will will be done. He will purify you, he will never give up because it's not your work, never was and never will be, it's will God's. Just relax and know you will come out. When I came out God blessed me tremendously, with wisdom and knowledge and secrets in his Word. Also carnal blessings. Just like Joseph, he puts us in prison, to later bless us.

Joe said...

Yeah I'm here. I'm free still. God is chastening you out of love. He WILL draw you back. Had he not chastened you with the fear of the Lord, you would have been left in your sin. But now, his kindness, by hiding his face and sending you judgment, leads to your purification. Don't forget. EVERYONE will be salted with fire. Mark 9:49. You are being baptized by fire, it sucks, it hurts, it's fearful but God always wins and you will be with him in paradise, you can count on that. What child does a good father chasten not? The chastening of this present time is NOT joyous but GRIEVOUS. Are grieving? You are being chastened my friend. I've gone through the same exact Flames and am better for it. I was a fornicator, angry, self righteous person, that's after I was saved. God put me into hell and pulled me out. God also put King David in hell, look it up. Hell can be here too, David said, all thy waves passed over me, if I make my bed in hell though are there, from the gates of hell you heard my. David also said, our God is merciful! That's after David whent through the fire. God does not respect persons, if he puts David in torments and anguish over sin, he will us too. David was a prohpet and God did that to him, how much more us. He doesn't respect persons. He does it to ALL his children and his will will be done. He will purify you, he will never give up because it's not your work, never was and never will be, it's will God's. Just relax and know you will come out. When I came out God blessed me tremendously, with wisdom and knowledge and secrets in his Word. Also carnal blessings. Just like Joseph, he puts us in prison, to later bless us.

Dee said...

Are you still here?

Dee said...

Did you get better???

Dee said...

Are you better??

Dee said...

Are you any better?

Dee said...

Are you still the same?? I have nightly torment too

Dee said...

Do you feel the same ??

Dee said...

Anyone here going through this message me at

Joe said...

Yes read my posts above. I'm out of it now and you will too. It sucks but God is chastening you.

Dee said...

Can you contact me

Dee said...

John how can I contact you?

Dee said...

Can I contact you

Dee said...

Contact me

Dee said...

Can you contact me at

Dee said...

Can you contact me John at

Dee said...

Are you still here??

Dee said...

Are you still here??

Dee said...

Can you contact me Sally

Anonymous said...

Friends, I am one of the ones who posted here about being a reprobate and believing I was not one of the "elect". My post was in May of 2020 and I had felt "cut off" from God since May of 2017. I did not experience time and did not sleep more than a few minutes a night since that time. In May of 2021, after stopping every kind of prescription medication and moving forward with "life", the torment became less and less. I started sleeping without any medication through the night. I was not harassed by demons and all of the things I experienced about being condemned started going away a little each day. I believe I experienced a "chastening" from God that brought me to my knees. I lost everything; house, children, husband, business, furniture, shoes, clothes, etc. I was left with nothing but my condemning thoughts. It was brutal and my life was filled with doom and I accused the Father of all kinds of things like most of you have. They are all false. God never left me or gave me over but rather allowed the chastening for my own good. That is what you are experiencing so pick yourselves up off the ground, stop blaming and accusing God of doing this and start engaging in "life". Start living because that is what He wants us to do. Get on your face and repent, accept His forgiveness and do your absolute best to stop sinning. God loves us and Jesus's whole ministry was about love, forgiveness, and reconciliation and He paved the way for us to be reconciled to the Father.

Joe said...

Amen to the post above. Exactly what happend to me sister. Mine was over a year and I was in terrible agony. Im back with the Lord and loving life. He will chasten us by hiding himself always to bring us back. Remember, God the Father is the exact representation of Jesus Christ and Jesus was pure LOVE. Love seeks out the lost and LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Dee said...

Please email me at

Dee said...

Hi anonymous I would like to know more of your story please email me

Dee said...

Are you here still?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you (Dee) are asking if I am still here or it is directed to someone else. However, if it is for me, please know that everything you have read or thought is a lie from the enemy. I am a mother of three and I would never throw my children in the fire to burn for eternity regardless of what they do. God has never left you and you must fight back and start living your life. It is that simple. Love the Lord God and do your best to obey His commands.

Dee said...

What was your original story? I know I'm a reprobate

Dee said...

Your email doesn't work are you still on here ?

Dee said...

Are you still on here????

Dee said...

Are you still on here??

Joe said...

Amen,God only chastises us and has no desire to burn us. In the old testament the molechs would sacrafice their children by burning them and God said that that type of crap never entered his heart. Look it up. I'm upset at the devil for deceiving all of us believers. Righteousness comes by what you believe, not what you do. If you believe Jesus died for your sins, you will be saved. There is no such thing as a reprobate after the cross. The Jews were reprobate and that's it. No Christian can ever be reprobate because we believe on Christ.

Dee said...

Yes Joe but what if you were an unbeliever and rejected Jesus then you can really be reprobate

Dee said...

Are you still here??

Anonymous said...

Either you believe that Jesus died for your sins and the debt is paid or you don't. He was sent here to reconcile us with our Heavenly Father and I don't recall Jesus teaching that He died for everyone except Reprobates. You are all just feeding the fire of the enemy. I know because I was like that for 4 years. Stop all the nonsense and questioning and believe that you are saved, healed, and delivered. You need to turn from sin and do your very best to put God first. He has never left and never turned His back on you. Stop the madness!

Joe said...

If you reject Jesus till your death then your not saved. I assume by your response that you don't reject Jesus any more, therefore you were saved. Reprobate don't want to be saved and reprobates don't know they are reprobates. The righteous pharasises Jesus constantly blasted as being reprobates, yet they couldnt see it.

Your only problem is you reject Jesus all encompassing sacrafice for your sin. Your sin is so big and so long that two Jesus's wouldn't be enough for you. That's pride.

I was the same exact way and that is what a pastor told me. Then I just trusted in God's word that I'm saved. Over the next few months the devil fleed and I'm in complete victory and realize the father never leaves.

Nobody can help you but you right now. Print out all the saved verses and stop watching YouTube condemning channels because I know you did and so did almost everyone I met who falls into this trap.

Dee said...

What's your story?

Anonymous said...

The children of Israel sinned in the wilderness for 40 years do don't ever think about "how long" you sinned against God. That is a trap from the devil.

Here is what God told the sinning Children of Israel.

And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.
Isaiah 59:20

See that, they were in transgression as we all were. God brought judgment on them, like he does with all of his children and it turns us from transgression.

It doesn't matter anyone's story. I, like you, were looking for my exact story in someone else you got out of this state. But you'll never find it. I would ask, how many times did you fornicate,4 or 5? Oh well I did for years then I felt lost. Then I'd find someone who did for years and was still with the Lord and it wasn't good enough because then the devil would say, well they knew the Lord more than you. Or the devil would say, they went to church more or tithed more or served more, that's why they were forgiven and your not. Or they would have less wicked thoughts because my thoughts were continually wicked. They would pray more ect. All those things would not let me accept Jesus's forgiveness, because I compared myself to others sins and always assumed mine were worse. Jesus paid for all sins, 1st John not only for our sins but the sins of the whole world.

Comparing sins and asking peoples stories is the wrong road. What you are doing is comparing their works, how good they were, how many points they earned with God. Nobody is saved this way, nobody gets saved by how many less sins they commit. Jesus condemned the pharises because they trusted in themselves that they were righteous, the pharsise didn break God's written law one time! Yet they were lost, you are only saved by believing on Jesus and you can believe on him at any point in your walk. You need to believe today and now and REST. Jesus gave me rest from my fear because I now trust in him 100%.

The devil wants you to look at yourself and your own works to make you hopeless, but when you are hopeless you are in a great place because now you can trust in Jesus and are actually saved, you need to come completely hopeless to save yourself by our own works (good or bad) and then come to Jesus. Thats true salvation. All who come to me I will in no wise cast out. ​

God never cast anyone out for how long they were in sin, Israel did for 40 years and God was still saving them when any one of them trusted in Jesus and not in themselves.

You get there, trust me. God is working on you and he never fails because love never fails.

Dee said...

But how can someone know if they sinned because they were turned over to a reprobate mind..that's why I'm comparing sins because my life was full of sin and completely sinful and I don't know if I ever had Jesus in my life or not

Dee said...

Anyone who is of God doesn't make a practice of sinning ..

Anonymous said...

A reprobate doesn't know they are reprobate. And if you never had Jesus in your life, then why don't you trust him now and rest? If you had Jesus in your life and backsliding, Jesus says come back to me my backsliding children and I will heal your backsliding. Either way you are covered. Meditate on that verse. You are forgiven period. Only the devil says your not. Stop believing lies and believe the Gospel. All who come to be I will in no wise cast out. He that believes in me has eternal life. He gives all eternal life who believe on his name. God I not imputing our trespasses to us. All have fallen short of the Glory of God. Salvation is a free gift not of works lest you boast. Take my yoke and find rest for your soul. I will never never leave thee nor forsake thee. The gentiles (us) shall believe in his name.

Cab you see salvation is all belief? You must believe and rest in that belief. I and hundreds of others have went through what you went through and worse. We are all back, giving our testimony saying you were never lost. Only felt that way. God never gives up on us. You have a broken and contrite spirit which is precious in God's sight.

Dee said...

I am trying to believe but I read that God reprobates people for rejecting Jesus and I think that's what happened

Joe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What verse says that? Give me book and verse

Dee said...

For not acknowledging God rejecting God means He turns them over

Anonymous said...

I figured you would use that Romans Verse. No where does that say those people can't be saved, nowhere. Nowhere does it say that they can't seek out the Lord's forgiveness. God gives everyone over to their sins and even blinds them. The verse also talks about gay people being gay. If gay reprobates can't be saved then why are there thousands of once gay reprobates that now are praising Jesus and are saved. They live a normal life and have wives and children. God gives all sinners over to a debased mind but always allows repentance.

The other place reprobates are used is when Paul talks about the Jews. Titus 1:16, they confess they know God but in works they deny him, and every good work reprobate. Paul is talking about unsaved Jews who think they know God, yet they are caught up in working for their salvation, Jews rely on works of the law and not faith. Noone is saved by works. All jews are lost unless they believe by faith like Abraham. Jews think they are good enough to get to heaven on their own works because God told them if they obey the law that they would live. What did the Jews say? "Yes we can obey your law". I'm sure God got a chuckle out of that because their is nome righteous. No not one. Yet the law was meant to make every many fail in himself, his works, so he may seek another, that is Christ. Yet the Jews stumbled at faith in Christ and Continued in the law (10 commandments) thinking if they just obeyed the commands they would be saved. Yet you can obey outwardly but inwardly they listed and committed adultery which transgressed the whole law. Just our thoughts transgress the entire law. God holds us all guilty so he can have mercy on us all. Now, every Jew is considered reprobate in that Titus verse. Even the beloved Apostle Paul was a reprobate! He was considered perfectly righteous according to the law but missed christ. All his works were of the flesh and reprobate. God doesn't accept flesh and blood works to be saves, only spirit which is faith.

God loved reprobates. He loves the Jews, God says all day long have I lifted my hand to draw a disobedient and gainsaying (reprobate) people. They will not turn to him and refuse. Once they turn, they are no longer reprobate like Paul.

Dee said...

John are you still around need some advice!!

Dee said...

Grade are you still here?

Anonymous said...

What you said is a bunch of hogwash. God forgives all reprobates. How many reprobate gays have come to christ now and God changed them? All Jews were once reprobates yet they still come to Jesus. Don't trust your works like the man above does, don't look to yourself. Trust Jesus and his sacrifice and you will be saved period.

Dee said...

Hi Pierre are you still around?? Did you get any better?

Dee said...

Jamred are you still here?

Dee said...

John what's your email??

Dee said...

Joe I can't feel our emails.. were you truly saved and born again before this happened because if that's the case it's the reason you are saved now

Joe said...

Funny, I said the same thing when I was going through the same nightmare. I believed I never believed, I believed I wasn't born again. It's all Lies from Satan. You are born again by faith. If you believe your born again. You can't believe Jesus is the christ unless your born again. If you believe Jesus is the savior for not only your sins but the sins of the whole world, your born again. Unbelievers don't believe that and neither do reprobates. Reprobates want NOTHING to do with Christ, thats why the Apostle Paul called Jews reprobates.

Your only saved by what you believe in your heart. If you believe christ died for your sins and was raised again the 3rd day you WILL be saved. That's a promise from God! Don't let the devil tell you otherwise. I fought by faith and came back. I was never gone.

Dee said...

I never was born again I didn't claim Jesus as my Savior I used to pray to "God" and the God was not the one of the Bible but a God of my imagination

Joe said...

If you were never born again then that's great too, all you have to do to be saved is believe the Gospel. Even the Jews who Paul called reprobate were being saved by his gospel (he said that through his preaching that he might save some)

You know the gospel. Believe Jesus died for your sins. That is 100% true. Do you think Jesus died for you? No, you don't think he died for your sins because your in this mess. Stop believing Satan's lies, he's got you all twisted up like he did me. Come to christ today like you never have before. Tell him you believe and then that's it. Just rest and joy in your salvation. Thats faith, that's how you do it, and when the devil comes back and says "you didn't say it right or you need to do something else, or God can't save you, tell the devil to go fly a kite because the Bible says Christ is able to Save those to the utmost who just believe on his name. You have to believe He IS the propitiation for your sins. If you can believe that he died for you and was raised again, you will be saved. It's that simple. Study what I said. Once you really believe that with all your heart, you will finally REST. I did and so can all of creation. Once I realized it's all faith, I finally had an awakening again and really rested and I don't even 2nd guess it anymore. All are justified by faith. Now stop 2nd guessing it and thank God for your salvation, right here right now and today. Stop believing the devils lies.

Anonymous said...

Hi need to get talk to anyone

Joe said...

Just read all the posts above, you don't need any help, you're saved period. The Gospel is simple, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Then just believe by faith. We walk by faith and we like Abraham hope against hope.

You know the gospel. Believe Jesus died for your sins. That is 100% true. Do you think Jesus died for you? No, you don't think he died for your sins because your in this mess. Stop believing Satan's lies, he's got you all twisted up like he did me. Come to christ today like you never have before. Tell him you believe and then that's it. Just rest and joy in your salvation. Thats faith, that's how you do it, and when the devil comes back and says "you didn't say it right or you need to do something else, or God can't save you, tell the devil to go fly a kite because the Bible says Christ is able to Save those to the utmost who just believe on his name. You have to believe He IS the propitiation for your sins. If you can believe that he died for you and was raised again, you will be saved. It's that simple. Study what I said. Once you really believe that with all your heart, you will finally REST. I did and so can all of creation. Once I realized it's all faith, I finally had an awakening again and really rested and I don't even 2nd guess it anymore. All are justified by faith. Now stop 2nd guessing it and thank God for your salvation, right here right now and today. Stop believing the devils lies.

Anonymous said...

I am probably true reprobate, all things considered , but I am not 100%
A true strong believer has been holding my faith for me
for more than a year. There’s
a verse in Mark where Jesus saves an unbeliever because it’s a good thing to be saved. The unbeliever’s friends were believers.
The strong believer is claiming that she has been holding my faith for me and that I am saved. She has strong viewpoints that I am saved. I have strong view points that I am not saved because Jesus never entered my life making me spiritually dead everyday for 5 years.
I sincerely prayed the sinner’s prayer in 2017.
I pray for forgiveness and read the Bible everyday and Christ still never entered my life. My strong believer and I are completely the opposite!

Questions. Why did God give my faith to a strong believer?
What’s the purpose? What’s Jesus’s message to me?
How come God never gave my faith to me?
How come Christ never entered my life when God gave my faith to a strong believer?
Does God operate on two pages? My strong believer claims she is holding my faith for me and I am saved.
I live in fear everyday because Christ never entered my life.
Is God trying to trick my strong believer that I am not saved?
The strong believer believes God is in the center of these conversations.

Time will only tell.

Joe said...

Your friend can not have faith for you and God doesn't give your friend faith for you. That's not biblical at all.

If you don't have faith, Jesus says HE abides faithful. He has your faith. He is your faith. You get to have HIS faith imputed to you. Don't believe your friend because that's a lie, it's JESUSs faith.

You are saved if you just use your faith to believe. We are saved by what we believe, not what we do.


Friend, your sins have all been paid for. Christ already paid for the sins of the whole ENTIRE WORLD. "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world".

Let me ask you, are all your sins that you ever committed listed in that verse? YES! Christ is the propitiation for ALL SINS, even the sins of the entire WORLD. They have all been laid on Christ. Are there sins you can do that haven't been paid for by Christ? NO! He paid the all the sins of the entire world and he did it once! By once sacrifice he has perfected us forever.

Sin is no longer what separates us from God. Our UNBELIEF separates us. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and YOU WILL BE SAVED. That is it. You are an unworthy sinner and have a broken contrite spirit, God loves that attitude and welcomes it. But he wants you to trust in Christ, forget your past and press forward in belief!

Wenty said...

To all the people that desperately come through here looking for answers, I'd like to provide you with some hope. The fact that you are desperately looking for something to hang on to is a really good sign because it shows that you truly desire a relationship with God even though it feels like He has completely and utterly turned His back on you.

In fact, if you have even the slightest desire to return to God, it means that the Holy Spirit is still working in you because that feeling comes from God. John 6:44 says that "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them". This means that any desire you have to be in a relationship with God is not something that you drummed up yourself. This proves that there is still so much hope for you.

I went through the same thing that many of you describe that you are going through and I can identify with you. I know how completely deserted it feels to be fully convinced that you are doomed to an eternity without God. My conscience felt deadened and I didn't feel like I was being convicted of sin which are also signs of the work of the Holy Spirit. Prayer didn't feel any different than speaking to a block wall. Everything I read in the scriptures seemed to condemn me. Even to the point of paging through the Bible and almost supernaturally seeing all the scariest verses.

As I scrolled through this comment section, I noticed that a lot of people believe their fears of condemnation are coming from God. Remember that God is not the author of confusion. Revelation 12:10 says that Satan is "the accuser of the brethren". It should come as no surprise that he is going to tell you that you are doomed and there is no hope for you when he sees you falling into sin. He will even use the Bible to try to condemn you.

Through the grace of God I finally overcame and you can too. In fact, the victory I have through Jesus is now greater than it ever was before my fall. I have a wonderful relationship with God, my conscience has been awakened, and I finally have victory over the sexual sins and lustful thoughts that would plague me. I do still make mistakes at times but I can genuinely say that I am growing in sanctification.

Ultimately to be saved you need to repent of your sins and put your trust in God. You already know and recognize that you are a very dirty sinner. Nothing you ever do will earn your way to heaven. Your only hope is to depend on the cleansing blood of Jesus for your righteousness. He already took the punishment for your sins. If you truly have repented and put your trust in God, then your victory is summed up in one word - “faith”. This is not the same as feelings.

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out. Acts 3:19
This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:22,23

My advice to you is to do the thing that seems so hard and pointless. Keep praying to God and reading the scriptures no matter how condemned you feel. Find some promising verses and latch on to them. Romans 5:5 says that "Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed". When the fears come rushing in, say the verses to yourself even if you struggle to believe. Trust that God will help you through even if you don't feel it at all. Stop reading through random stuff on the internet. That will only confuse you the more. It's fine to have some trusted sources to stick to but it is hard to discern between the genuine believers and the false sheep online.


Wenty said...


As you read what I wrote here you may feel a glimmer of hope. Soon however, your mind will try to find flaws with what I wrote and you'll go back to the same fears. Refuse to give up. Find a verse in the Bible that gives you a faint glimmer of hope and cling to it and believe it with all your heart even though it feels impossible. Don't let your feelings define your status with God. Do not trust your own mind but trust in God's Word. (See Proverbs 28:26) The victory comes through clinging to God no matter what your feelings tell you. Eventually for me the feelings followed. Today it has blossomed into a wonderful relationship with God.

Here are some helpful verses to hang on to.

Matthew 7:7
John 6:37
Luke 11:9,10
Psalm 50:15
Romans 3:22,23
1 John 4:15
Jeremiah 29:13
Matthew 21:21
Matthew 8:26
(and more)

Remember, the devil may try to use scriptures against you, but since "all scripture is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" you can be assured there will be no contradictions. If you think of a verse that seems to condemn you, find another one to balance it out with forgiveness.

"But", you say, "this doesn't apply to me anymore. These verses aren't intended for me". There you go again, believing a lie. Oh you of little faith! Consider Matthew 17:20 "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

A resource that I strongly recommend can be found here:

John Bunyan also went through a similar trial as recounted in his book, "Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners":

Be very careful about following spiritual leaders online. Many of those will mislead you. At the very least do some careful research before listening to them and always weigh their words against scripture.

Now a few words of caution to a casual reader. Do not engage in willful sin. There is no guarantee that you will repent of it. You might not seek forgiveness like some of the souls who are reading this and looking for answers. If you think that you will wait just a little bit longer to come to the Lord, it probably won't happen. “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

If anyone is helped through this comment, all glory to God.

Anonymous said...

No one here is reprobate you just weren’t truly saved to begin with I have a link to the true gospel watch the first video in this link see y’all in heaven

Anonymous said...

See you guys in heaven

Anonymous said...

Your eyes are focused to much on yourself or the storms and troubles around you, not on God. Also, let’s take a closer look at the characters of the reprobate in Romans: “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Romans 1:32). If you read past verse 28 in the chapter, the reprobate people are described to have pleasure in the people who the commit acts that are worthy of death and in some translations say approve of them. This implies that they think little of the judgement of God and encourage others to do the same, hese people just don’t care about the judgements and they encourage others to not care, while you do care about your own safety and do not want others in the same position or sins. Just like the others say, this is evidence that you still have godly fear running through you, that God has not abandoned you. The reprobates loved their own sins and hated God so much, God simply said “have it your way” and gave them up to a debased mind that will continue to indulge these things with no concern all the way unto death, but for you He has given fear, sight of the dangerous situation your soul is in and how much you truly need Him. “Ezekiel 33:11” "Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.” While you look at the verses about God’s hatred for sin, do not forget the verses that speak of His mercy and desire to save people from destruction, this is what Christ came here to do to save wicked sinners from the death and hell fire their sins will lead to. You are included for God came to save man who was made in His image, do not let the devil devour you “ because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Pet 5:8)

Anonymous said...

Could you message me at

Anonymous said...

Hi Pierre did you get any better?

Anonymous said...

AnonymousApril 15, 2020 did you get better?

Joe said...

You are looking for signs of the holy spirit which you will NEVER find as its by faith only. The Jews require a sign 1 Corinthians 1:22. We dont! You are mistaking thinking that you wont struggle with sin. When you first believed you were given a new spirit, that spirit is pure but your are still in your flesh and the flesh still sins. The flesh also looks for signs and we are to live by faith. Where is your faith? You need to believe by faith that you are saved and have the holy spirit. Paul even had to tell the corinthians that they holy spirit was in them, how much more us? If you believe Jesus died and rose again for you, you are saved period! That is all it takes and what seperates you from an unbeliever. Dont question your salvation as you would have to question your faith and faith is hope. You are saved by hope. Thats it. Thats the beauty of the gospel. Demons believe but are not saved because they are not part of the gospel message. You are. Forget all pastors and preachers who think you need to feel something, let that talk be accursed. If you felt something, it wouldnt be faith, we are saved by faith only.

Wenty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wenty said...

What you are struggling with is called scrupulosity or religious OCD and it's actually quite common. A resource that helped me a lot are the articles about these topics on This person has interacted with many such people as yourself and has written a ton of webpages about these topics. I would strongly recommend you to look it up. Search for Netburst salvation or Netburst scrupulosity and follow the links.

Anonymous said...

I hate it too. I once loved Jesus and His spirit so much, but then I did things knowing I shouldn’t have and continued to disobey Him until I could no longer feel His conviction or any emotions. Now, I want to have that discernment and my ability to love and my conscience back now more than ever, especially when I am about to get married and I had a good job and about to get in serious counseling because I have turned away from people and God who loved me and was with me for my whole life and I had turned away from the person I once was.

Anonymous said...

I’m currently going through something similar. I turned away from Him too and His Spirit left me. Months ago I was joyful, happy and praising God, but I even went through rebellion. I was prideful, I compromised myself and started finding prophecies untrue and read comments that were against His Spirit. People are noticing something was wrong and tried to help but I said things I knew I shouldn’t have but my heart had gotten so hard that I couldn’t physically or Emotionally feel love or any emotion. I regret it and need His help because it’s hurting my relationships

Anonymous said...

I need it too. I need Him to bring my heart back to life and my soul and voice returned to me so I may witness for Him again. I want Him to bring me out of this mess I put myself in.

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