September 25, 2020

Alpha Males Aren't Misogynists

It’s not misogynistic to be an alpha male. Nor is it misogynistic to believe men are created to fulfill certain roles that only a male could and women are created to fulfill roles only women could. Men’s roles that are specifically geared towards strength, aggression, protection, etc. Women’s roles that are specifically geared towards childbirth, nurturing, stylistics, aesthetics, etc. It’s not misogynistic…its Biblical. Read Proverbs 31, 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Timothy, Ephesians 5.

I feel compelled to throw this post out there because of the chatter I’m getting through comments and private messenger telling me I’m being ‘unloving’ in my delivery. That I am showing no impression of Christ or the Spirit in my life. The same allegations that have been haunting and lingering near me since coming into the faith 20 years ago. The same denunciations that are leveled against some of my brethren who are very Godly men that speak of God and from Scripture with authority and conviction. What Bible are you good folks reading? Not the one I’m reading apparently.

Statement: As of right now I'm not a pastor. Many misunderstand the purpose for many of my posts and this blog in general. I do not believe most understand the majority of my satirical Facebook comments either (tongue-in-cheek). What my intent was when I started this blog 10 years ago is the same as when I post zingers in Facebook today.

(1) Address an unbiblical issue.

(2) Provoke people to engage the Scriptures.

(3) Allow them to see why its unbiblical.

(4) Educate how the issue or they themselves are not aligned to Scripture.

(5) Show in Scripture what the correction is.

(6) Let the Scripture test their constitution.

(7) Teach that the uneasy feeling they have isn’t me. It's the Spirit convicting them of sin.

(8) Explain the need to repent.

(9) No matter what, provoke thought.

(10) Occasionally a residual effect is that I annoy people with my tone/words. Admittedly, I am a flawed sinner. Things don’t always come out right the way I intended. Oh well.

I need to clarify. I am what is considered a New Testament prophet, not a pastor per se. I identify the problems by comparing them to the Bible then point to where the Bible solves them. At times in a biting way to make an indelible mark in someone’s mind just as John the Baptist did. The New Testament prophetic voice is not like the Old Testament prophet in which I foretell the future because God revealed it to me. I am not a soothsayer nor would I ever claim something so ridiculous. Instead I teach by pointing to the problem and then pointing to God. Prophets and pastors can be teachers, but prophets aren’t necessarily pastoral, and pastors aren’t necessarily prophetic.

It took me a long time to understand this about myself and what I was supposed to do with it. It took men greater than I in the faith to show this to me. It took a while to accept. It took even more time to learn how to use the prophetic toolbox. The tools in it were nothing like I had seen before. There weren’t a lot of great examples to study or emulate. I literally needed to make straight the paths alone with God. I don’t wish this on anyone. It’s a heavy burden to carry. Like the burdens of the Old Testament prophets but with half the insight and even less respect than they received. 

I see the sin. I speak the truth but few listen to what I tell them Scripture says. The only two times people have really heard has been recently as the world spins into the void or when people are dying. The true path of the prophet. Alienated and always convicted. I'm always about 10 degrees out of phase with the rest of the world. But I digress…

I identify the problems provocatively. I state things bluntly. At times it is aggressive…challenging (but not angry or deliberately antagonistic). If I cannot get you to realize you’re not aligned with Scripture, then I cannot show how you’re missing the mark of holiness. If you don’t acknowledge you’ve gone astray you’re condemned. I am not telling you that you are wrong because the Bible will do that on its own through the Spirit. Without conviction there will be no compulsion to correct or seek repentance. You’ll remain in sin. I therefore failed in my job as a NT prophet. The nasty feeling you get when you hear the truth of Scripture aren’t my words, you are being convicted of your sin. Please stop confusing the two. I always end up getting a bad rap because of this. I’m actually a nice guy. A bit strange at times, but nice.

As for the 'unloving' label I've been charged with I'll say this. I leave no stone unturned. I've occasionally been told my post were antagonistic and showed no love of Christ whatsoever. My response is usually, “So allowing people to live in their error and sin, condemning them is loving?”

Always bludgeoned for my ‘unloving’ delivery. It is this desire for beta-male 
cardboard cutout behavior that has been coming out of the church for the last 20 years. It is the spineless approach to the world that has allowed the culture to believe it can steamroll and disrespect the church. As if I am ‘unloving’ I am somehow less Christian and embodying Christ. This is the very same approach to perceived ‘proper’ behavior that has effeminized the Church into having no courage to confront the world instead of conforming to it. A castrated male badgered into submission by its female congregants and wives. The very people who are not obeying their roles in the complementarian view of church authority and letting men be men. I have no time for that dissimulation in the church. Just teach the Scripture and you will have a vastly different image of the male role. 

I do not subscribe to the 'unloving' statements. It's just the Devil with a foothold in the church working through quasi-feminists to silence the Gospel when delivered with conviction. Conviction is nearly always misunderstood as anger nowadays. Yet it is the surest sign in a biblical church that the preacher is being driven of the Spirit. The irony is not lost on me either . People would've never survived the sermons of people like Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, B.B. Warfield, etc. The conviction these men would’ve instilled in todays listeners would’ve gutted the modern-day listener and had them running for the doors screaming. They didn’t water down the Gospel or the harshness of the message of the cross and sin. 

Nor do I. 

In truth those saying these types of things are trying to silence the speech that is causing the conviction that they feel. People don’t like being told they’re wrong. They do not like the feeling the conviction of sin gives them. So instead of accepting the truth and message of Scripture they attempt to silence the messenger. That is exactly what they did to Jesus Christ to the point of nailing him to a cross.

Nearly 100% of the time the people that are telling me I am not delivering the message ‘in love’ are female or beta, effeminized men. In truth they are not reading 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 properly. The roles of 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 are being flipped on their head. This sounds misogynistic but that would accuse the Scriptures of being misogynistic. Far be it for me to do that. In 1 Corinthians it specifically shows different roles and encourages a complementarian view of gender. It does not show a mixing or merging of them. Men are not meant to be weak, they’re to be meek. Weak means I can’t. Meek means I can but choose not to. There is a difference between angry and emphatic. Men can be nurturing but it is better if they take an alpha leadership role as it fits their nature better. Men aren’t maternal. They’re paternal. I protect. I tell the hard truth. I provide. I hunt. I feed. I give knowledge. I raise boys to be men. I don’t expect women to understand because they’re women. Frankly, I don’t expect men lulled into the culture's castrating effects to understand either. The roles are clearly outlined in Scripture. 

I knew my recent posts were going to tear a scab off a wound. Little did I expect many would criticize me as robustly. Unlike 10 years ago when I said things like this and acquiesced due to uncertainty when confronted…I now stand staunchly against attempts to undermine and silence the Biblical view. I know I am standing on hallowed Biblical ground. I will not fold like a house of cards to try and appease a church that has fallen away from Scripture. A church that has swung its doors open to embrace the culture instead of sending the church into the world to be salt and light. The culture that is coming into the church is not only godless, it is in absolute chaos due to a lack of knowledge. Ignorant because of a lack of Godly leadership just as in government. A culture where men have abdicated their roles as leaders, providers and protectors and become patsies, victims or predators.

I'm done listening to unbiblical cultural dogma being rebroadcast by an apostate church. A majority of which are now embracing heretical theologies like Social Justice Theology, Liberation Theology, Feminist Theology, New Age Gnosticism, Universalism, etc. It has misled both men and women and scrambled the role of men and women. It's redefined complementarian roles in favor of egalitarianism or the belief that not only can women do anything men can do but men are to act like women. Nonsense. It’s not toxic masculinity its godless immorality. I am going back to the traditional ways where men were men and women were women.

If not God's (my) people will perish for lack of knowledge.


El LaGrew said...

Very interesting! I have a friend who is struggling with this very thing. I am going to send him the link to this blog as well. It will be good for him to read this and understand that he is not alone.

The thing that I am most astounded by is how the world tries to push all Biblical Christians to the side...well not really to the side, they try to BURY us. The very fascist behavior of the world stands in opposition to Biblical understanding and how Jesus himself operated.

I say keep up the great work. I like your style and your writing. The world not only needs to hear it, but Christians do as well! Blessings!

Andy Pierson said...

Thank you sir. Yes, feel free to pass on. This site has grown mostly via word of mouth. Have a greate day El!!

Andy Pierson said...

Amen Rick. Thank you for doing so. I subscribed to the beta male nonsense until I saw that the direction it was taking the church was directly into the gaping maw of hell. Now I correct people.

Wake MeUp said...

Amen from the,women in the house!

Wait. There are none. May the women you attract number zero.

Wake MeUp said...

Of course I mean those of you who do not possess the perfect life that Andrew does.
Or perhaps it is that he is actually living in a squalid room in Alabama, spewing hatred to somehow make up for the loneliness, the abuse, the pain he lives with all alone. Kindness. No wife. No perfect children. No friends. No 5ebderness and he deserves it all. He uses the best gift God gave him and twists it to make his damage comprehensive. He must have done some wretched things. Or those things were done to him. My guess is rape or some other extreme violence. Someone killed his spirit or he killed someone else's. Every single person I have ever encountered doing the work I do who possess such archaic beliefs, has some major psychilolical damage. It is always the case. Every single one, that is, those who will admit it. Maybe he just cannot help himself. Sickness begets sickness. I pray he finds help.

John 3:16
He loved is, but it's not the kind of love you think. It is a guessing game. Figure it out, or await damnation. Born in Burma, Bali, the Brazilian Rain Forest, Syria, darn, you lose. White man understands the brown man's words through his own white American man culture and at the same time condemns the brown man as inferior and wrong for wanting to be treated with equity. Another dichotomy. Bi polar, perhaps?

Wake MeUp said...

Rick, Andy would not have had a girlfriend. That would be sinful. Besides, would a woman with any self respect find "this" attractive? No. I am someone sent by The Holy Spirit as if I needed to be here.

Wake MeUp said...

Andy finds issue with those who come from 1 parent households. They are less than. Surely he has the most perfect family himself. But then again, should he not, he would also have the perfect Biblical explanation for talking his way around it.

Wake MeUp said...
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Wake MeUp said...

Rick, Dig deeper. Andy does not believe in the Truth within your retort. I read it here.

Anonymous said...

Special for you!

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