September 7, 2020

Why Society is the Way It Is: A Heart-Shaped Whole

People don't seem to understand when I say that the reason society is the way it is…is because the fear of God is not before their eyes (Romans 3:18). What I mean is there is no authority figures in the formative years of their lives. There is no strict set of guidelines or a benchmark of discipline. A majority of families are no longer families, they’re broken homes being raised by mothers that work and are never home or fathers that are completely absent. There was no full-blown, bust-your-ass if-you-step-out-of-line authority figure in their lives. They therefore never felt the need to fully constrain their behavior. They then did what was/is right in their own eyes with little or no fear of reprisal (Judge 17:6). If they had no physical visible restraints in their lives, why would we think that they would believe there is a spiritual unseen one? So, they don’t. They have no fear of God because no parent put the 'fear of God' in them.

Can single mothers raise a child? Yes, the child is just going to end up a partial portion of what they could’ve been. That or they take longer to understand what it is to be an adult. Do you now see why having no male role model in a child’s life produces what we see in society? Do you see why the effeminizing of the males and making boys betas is so dangerous? Do you see why the masculinizing of the females and making girls alphas is so dangerous? God created us for certain roles that compliment our physical and psychological make-up. 

Do you now see why the destruction of the family unit is so important to some people and entities? Do you know see why the destruction of the church which is made of families is so important to some people and entities? Growing up without a father figure may not immediately manifest itself but later in life it will manifest itself in their psychology and lack of maturity. When we start mixing and matching pieces it distorts the whole picture. Men can't be men and women can't be women.

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.” ~ Blaise Pascal

There is a God shape hole in every person that needs to be filled with the thing that will fit in that hole. There is a mother and father shaped hole in every person that needs to be filled with the thing that fits in those holes too.

“There is a mother and father-shaped vacuum in the heart of each person which cannot be satisfied by any other created thing but only by a mother and father, made by Jesus Christ.” ~ Andrew Pierson

How we fill the holes in our lives dictate how or if we become whole. If one attempts to force the block into a hole that doesn't belong the block and the hole become damaged. The damaged block is then used to build a damaged edifice. A damaged life. A damaged family. A damaged Church...a damaged society.

Granted, life is a puzzle at times but it isn't that hard to figure the current crisis out.


Unknown said...
Wrong. They could be lying, but doubtful. All US Gov't offices have oversight. One could argue that the oversight is provided by those who are trying to cheat, gain power, etc., however then one would have to discount the fact that there are many moral, including Christian, Americans working in every facet of the government. A conspiracy to falsify facts would, I argue, difficult to keep a secret.

This one breaks down by race. Use it well. It also states that you are way off. 35%.,871,870,573,869,36,868,867,133,38/10,11,9,12,1,185,13/432,431

An abundance of data for you to dissect:

Very small sample, still, facts. One cannot lie away a Master’s Thesis.

So much to say here that it would require time that I do not currently have, but respond I must so that I may be able to breathe.

Unknown said...

“One cannot take the peg of a "engineers' petty-bourgeois opine" and fit it into a "myriad of extremely complex, historical societal problems” hole and will them to fit. “ ~me

As a single mother, I take issue with most you state here. (Not raised with God. Mine? Curious, articulate, gifted, friendly, kind. Lacking nothing. “Perfect.”) Much I find truly disheartening given the magnitude of your intellect and with that the knowledge that you are so clearly capable of vetting the many papers written by social scientists experts in their fields, some also Believers. "Present" fathers batter their children's mother into the hospital and into the coffin regularly. They also hammer both with their harsh, lost, damaged words to tears, to fear, to a loss of self-worth, to a loss of any ability to properly function. Mothers present with the fathers are disabled, mentally ill, unable to escape, lopping onto these same children a requirement to care for their siblings and even the mother’s own emotional needs. Fathers and mothers can be awful to each other. Some of them are Christians, faithful bible readers, and churchgoers. Children see everything. At the very least, they feel its repercussions. Some parents “together “ doing not only a horrible job of "raising," they are quite literally robbing their children's brains, damaging, and partly thanks to misinformation like that in this piece, impeding their growth into a functioning member of society. They are “not enough” as they say you. They are only that because they are made to think that, not because it is true. How is it that so many fatherless and motherless children grow into magnificent adults who contribute great things to society? If you are loving, equally partnering, and residing with the woman who bore the children you speak of than you are indeed blessed. If your children and your wife are as Godly, as intellectual, as spiritual as you are, you more than blessed, you would think. If your children never err in the manner about which you seemingly easily deprecate others’ children, then you are lucky beyond measure (For example, per CDC: 1 out in 5 US girls become pregnant, 6 US teens 16-19 die every day due to crashes.) Truly. Who but the most ignorant go into the role of a parent wanting to split from the person with whom they decided to make a life. What a wonderful gift it would be for you to use your intellect plus your love of Christ to help the human beings who number in the statistics which I have provided who are the same members of society whom you care to criticize. Three-in-ten solo mothers are living in poverty: They were made by Him just as they are. He brought them here exactly as they should be. Right? Please, just help them. At the very least, please stop implying that any one of them is less than. It is hard enough.
Love, peace and a bigger heart to you, Saskia

Unknown said...

Andy, I suspect I angered you. If so, I will not apologize but only ask what is the outcome when there is a lack of dialogue? How shall we Christians live together when ideas, pains, situations, differences cannot be discussed? When fact based scientific fields of study are ignored and what must be held as truth is one sect's interpretation of God's word? How can there be reconciliation when others are torn down and viewed as less than? Ah, I could be the wrong kind of Christian because I do not know what you know. Perhaps, though my soul is solid, it is not the right kind of solid so I be damned anyway. It is because I am a single mother? Have I sinned somehow in being so? Is it that I am not worthy? Why bother elaborating if I am a lost cause? Is that it? Is not the goal to always bring others into the Light no matter how far into the Darkness they have been led and no matter how horrible their sin is? This is what I have always understood. Perhaps in your eyes I am not worth the trouble. If this is the case, what a shame. It appears as if there is no overabundance of “followers” of “seekers” here. In me you have a captive audience.

Andy Pierson said...

Not angry. Just totally preoccupied by work. Very intuitive of you. My writing is meant to be provocative.

Unknown said...

From what I read, all that I have read, which is but a tiny scratch in the several hundred posts, provocation is abundant and real Christian solutions are nonexistent. I question your wisdom, or rather its, in my opinion, flawed use of something so many only dream to possess. I see in exactly zero pieces where you outline practical solutions to real-world suffering. I see zero pieces where you show how we Christians can make society less divisive and more loving. I find nothing that where you show loving examples of how you and your wife, your family, work to serve God. I see nowhere examples of how you are raising your children to live in a manner which serves God. I have looked for an example of how your Church reaches out to those who suffer from poverty, those who do not have a mother or a father or either, those who are sick, those who lack food. I have found none. I see no instance where you actually go out and do something. WHY? You have a Church! You speak of her in a majority or pieces. Please share its good works, those same works Jesus calls us to do. If our government is under attack, show us practical ways to save it. What would the Master call us to do? You must have the answers. Is what you emit moral? To agitate and to distribute such intense passion to like minded thinkers and then to offer no solutions at all, especially when you are capable of doing so seems rather irresponsible. When I speak of solutions, they can not just be that one must subscribe to your brand of "loving" doom and gloom but rather one which speaks of the joy of what coming to Christ will bring to the believer, just as helping those who suffer will. Warmth. Sweetness. In the most practical and understandable terms. Where are they? I cannot comprehend what you are attempting but to leave people angry and with no recourse. What choice do we then have? There is only fear. I understand only fear. We are to live in extreme fear and lament about it. Pray that it does not happen. Do not sin. Do not make mistakes. If one does not repent in quite the right way, damnation. Such utter and complete brilliance should have solutions that are practical. Those solutions should also be such that the unintelligent like I, can understand. We should be able to read what you say and say, “Yes. This man can help me to make things better, make them in such a way that Christians are heard. He can help me be a better Christian. I want to listen to him.” is what is needed. An improvement in the status quo is desirable, pertinent as well. Is it not?

I may be off. I do not think so. What happened to you? Something wounded you deeply. I sense you live with ignominy and preach with judgment as if an attempt to spare those from the current hell in which you currently live. I hear a deep, wounded shame. I hear an insufferable disquiet. I have known people like this. I am rarely wrong about such things. This is my judgement and my call to you: A squandering of brilliance. Utter, all-encompassing brilliance. Heal so that you may properly make use of it. Perhaps some levity, some enjoyment is in order, too. Life is short. Why wait for eternity to feel a bit of joy? Love yourself. It is abundantly clear that you do not.

Andy Pierson said...

You are saying things to me that were said long ago. You misunderstand me. Greatly too I might add. You confuse me with a pastor. I'm not. I am a New Testament prophetic voice. Two distinctly different things.

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