September 18, 2020

The Revolution Starts At My Firewall

A majority of the youth today look up to uneducated actors and athletes and take their words and thoughts as Gospel. Uninformed, many of these will be allowed to vote (athletes, actors and their idolizers). Ignorant of the past thinking they know everything they’ll repeat it showing how strikingly little they actually know…just as we see in the encouragement of BLM and defense of Antifa in the current unrest. In terms of intellect most of the idolizers can do little more than tie shoes and chew gum. Forget about thinking rationally and logically.

The same goes for those they idolize. The athletes and actors that spout their ideologically ignorant views. The only difference between the athletes/acts and those that idolize them being the size of their paychecks. Ironically those oversized paychecks will give activists athletes and actors the ability to insulate themselves from the frontlines of the war that their worshippers will be fighting on.

To those that will say that some of these elitist Marxists are educated, my question to you is: Educated in what? Are you sure they're not indoctrinated with the political ideologies and emotive brainwashing of their godless professors and teachers? The very same who themselves were indoctrinated by the amoral or immoral radicals of the Baby Boomer generation that flipped-off God in favor of naturalism and empiricism. They worship themselves; they worship others like them and despise God or any that would dare challenge their authority.

Then we wonder why those currently in charge pass laws that contradict one another. We wonder why our cities burn to the ground and people are senselessly killed. Killed for the same reasons people have been killed for centuries. We wonder why 90% of politicians are only interested in lining their own pockets or the pockets of their children. There is indeed a Revolution/Insurrection coming but not the one most think. The politicians are using their constituents like plastic soldiers in their own little miniature dirt wars and struggles for power.

There is an insurrection coming against the 'gods of self'. Against the abuses of those that worship the Creation rather than the Creator. Against, the lunacy of subjugation against ones' will. A revolution against the desire of tyrants to imprison and silence those that do not think or talk like them. Tyrants building an empire upon the backs of the poor. You build a kingdom upon the backs of the black man and/or other minorities yet lie directly to their face and tell them you're doing it for them. You're only doing it to maintain you're grip on power and your stacks of money. Deceptively you've masked your criminality under the guise of law and legislation while simultaneously removing all semblance of structure and fomenting anarchy.

The day of reckoning is nearly upon us and the only way people are going to be able to open their eyes and truly see is through tragic loss and unmitigated suffering. That is what history has clearly taught ad nauseum. There will need to be a painful punch in the face for people to snap out of their stupor and see the light. The truth is waiting...but it lies across a street that will run with blood.

The revolution / insurrection will be televised and broadcast by the media if only to recoup their financial losses. They'll need to make money to replace all the money they spent propagating and pushing their false narrative and their deadly propaganda. You fiends may have fooled many...but not everyone.

The lies will pervade every aspect of society and culture because the twisted propaganda will reach everyone no matter where they're at. The insurrectionists have access to everyone directly. The revolution/insurrection will be in our backyards and in our neighborhoods. Instead of a couple of riots and a few cities on fire there will be upheaval and arson in every small town and suburb. The revolution will reach everywhere that media can reach. We'll be fighting one another for every inch of ground that is worth fighting for. It has already effectively infiltrated our military, government, schools and churches. They have swept aside our parents and are coming for our children. The war is already turning daughters against mothers and sons against fathers. They're destroying the Church. It now seeks to neuter our police force and law and order in general. Thereby creating the chaos it seeks. We'll be fighting strangers and neighbors alike. But...

There appears to be a remnant in this modern electronic diaspora. There will be a Resistance to the strategies of radicals and the demonic. A group perfectly suited to exposing the truth. There will be no frontline but rather digital guerilla warfare on a million internet firewalls in individual homes. They'll be able to turn off the lies. They'll be able to discern the truth even through the multitude of multiplying deceptions. 

Their basis for reason and rational will be firmly rooted in Scripture. The resistance will repel the ungodliness by converting one heart at at time. Bringing light into the dark so the truth can be seen clearly. A letter, a key stroke like a tap at a time. A sentence like the staccato of semi-automatic fire. This is my opening salvo. 

If the collapse and end of the empire will begin the searing edge of hellfire.


ArtWerx said...

Hi Andy! Lol, you have described "Jessie's Pups" of the Animal Farm critique of Marxism/Bolshevickism by old George Orwell. I can't believe I named my own son, George. It was after George Washington & my own great uncle, but with overtones of being a Beatles fan at the time. Within three years of becoming a sad, abandoned solo mother, I became a repentant Evangelist in an Easter camp baptismal ceremony at Gisborne Central Baptist and have never looked back! I actually got saved at toddler age in my Grandpa's Church in Findlay, Ohio. I still remember how transfixed I was when I first heard humans singing in a group there: "He's got the whole world in His hands"! (I intellectually pondered what was so special about that song too, & decided there is a wonderful 'extra' quality to any tune based on a chord.) But the Devil had a go at me for a couple of decades until the Jesus Revolution hit our town in New Zealand, where my dad moved his entire family of six children! Thanks to the ministries of Marcus Ardern and Graeme Carlé, I got saved, discovered Ray Comfort & because a passer-outer-of-tracts & online apologist. Then in 2016 I started to take an interest in the politics of my old homeland. Believe me, their influence is stretching mightily across the world! God Bless America, for He rules and reigns from His Mighty Throne!!! :D

Unknown said...


I found your blog while looking for the word "sojourner" as if the Spirit led me to you. I am on a quest for knowledge about Jesus, God, The Anointed One, Eternity and for all things full of Light, Truth, and Goodness. And Hope. It is clear that you are a man of the highest intellect and expertise in the field of Bible Study. I have not progressed very quickly and have only dabbled about. I struggle with your language use. Despite holding multiple degrees in three different subject areas, I find your writing style challenging to comprehend. Nevertheless, I read with interest and in search of the understanding and acquisition of the aforementioned. I comment on this piece as it is the most recent and I am intrigued. Questions are abundant. Perhaps you have some answers.

Can you please cite the empirical research that has determined this "majority" of voters exists? All are called to vote as it is a duty and a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Did not the group about which you write not vote for the charlatan who "leads" yet is devoid of Christianity, intellect, any truth, decency and humility? Pew: Young adults preferred Clinton over Trump by a wide 55%-37% margin. I may be incorrect, but much of your piece seems to relate to a populace who embraces nationalism and the narrative that can currently be heard coming from today's "Conservatives" in power., not to anti-fascists which is what “Antifa” is, no? Here a link from a report on fascism by a fascism expert. The current leader has fascists undertones, clearly. Young people did not vote for it.

Where have you found evidence of these particular voters' "encouragement of BLM and defense of Antifa?" I have found none. What is the demographic breakdown of BLM protestors and “Antifa?”I found data from nonpartisan Pew, but it does not mention age: It seems antifascists are against fascism which, according to the above expert is exactly who currently governs. How can the young, dumb idiots be both anti-fascists by definition and at the same time not be voters for those currently in power?

Please explain how the following is fair? Isn’t it a bit disparaging to an entire group? Everyone has worth, does he not?
"In terms of intellect, most of the idolizes can do little more than tie shoes and chew gum. Forget about thinking rationally and logically."

Are there at least some representatives from each denomination and faith with advanced degrees in relevant/related topics who agree with the basic tenets of BLM and ant-fascism? If there are, then how can one castigate and negatively label both in totality? (Two days ago the FBI director testified that "anifa" is a troubling movement, not a group. Shuja Haider wrote, "There is a side that asserts our common humanity and fights fascism, racism, and hate." Fascists include Peron, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Bolsonaro, et al; not a nice, Christian lot. Why is anti-fascism negative in your eyes? Is my definition wrong or is yours? end 1

Unknown said...

I just searched “theologians against fascists” and found the below from 5 days ago: Please tell me how his message, so similar to yours, could possibly bring those who seek redemption to Jesus? Is your goal to “save” people or is your goal something else entirely?

"Fascists aim to use the country's assets to increase the country's strength. This leads to a nationalization of assets, Montague said, and in this, fascism resembles Marxism"
How could those who "encourage “Antifa “movements" be Marxists? They are opposites! More on antifascists:

My heart aches at the suggestion that money and not a true desire for change has called up those like activists, athletes, and actors. Are none of the followers of Christ? Do none of them want to aid the poor and help build an equitable society as Christ wanted? (I would think he would have wanted it, but I may be incorrect.) Are there any BLM/antifascist followers of Christ? Can we be so bold as to assume there are none?

Your use of "Marxist" with "indoctrinated,"political ideologies," "brainwashing," and "godless professors and teachers", reads as inflammatory to me. There are hundreds of thousands, even millions of educators on Earth. Since the beginning of time, true "teachers" search for and teach about the truth in their fields. Is it not intolerant and unfair to lump them all together as somehow not being worthy of their titles? All of them? How shall you reach anyone sitting on the fence of the believer and the non-believer? One could surely find devout Christians who are brainwashed, hold extreme ideologies, spread hatred, and who teach. No? "Despise God?" "Challenge their authority? Please explain. Are there not plenty of Boomers who do not do this? Are there plenty who love Christ and who live by his example of compassion and love?

I come here for hope. Where is the hope? Where is the love of Christ in this piece?

"Revolution/Insurrection" could so easily be one of incredible change in which all people come together to help those who have been marginalized: those gifted with intelligence yet lacking access to education, those sick and unable afford healthcare, those drowning in student debt, those who lack adequate housing, water, clothing, those who have been abused emotionally, sexually, physically, and so many more. Have any of us here reading had horrid life experiences yet still found mental and spiritual health, have led meaningful lives and contributed to the good of society in medicine, engineering, statistics, literature, art, culture; all tangible elements in a healthy functioning society? None of us read sources from empirical research studies or from English language news sources in other countries, even other "Christian" ones? Are all who do not think exactly as you do "subjugated?" Who are the "tyrants" who seek "to imprison and silence those that do not think or talk like them?" Who is being imprisoned at all? Do you write about those in countries other than in the US? "Tyrants building an empire upon the backs of the poor?" Do you speak of Capitalists? If so, I agree! end 2

Unknown said...

I am not comprehending much of the rest. Who is fomenting anarchy? Who is “overthrowing” the government? Can we not just seek change through works? Through voting? Through equity? Through legislative initiatives? Are our hands tied, truly? Give me hope.

What is the "day of reckoning?" For what should I be looking? This reads of fear, not of faith. Fear is loud, so very loud. Fear is the absence of faith, is it not? The televising by the media of said insurrection in order to recoup financial losses from the propagation of false, deadly information seems to infer that none of those in the field have taken an oath of journalistic integrity, none are truthful, none are moral, none are Christian's, none want to live humble lives filled with goodness and with the hope to serve humanity. Can you please explain? What about the multiple sources around the world that exist at no profit? Is it even possible that all are evil liars and fearmongers?

I ask your intent. Do you seek to inspire good works, action, and healing through Jesus' wisdom and love or change though fear, degradation, haughtiness? I want to understand, but I am reading incredible fear, shame, and supposition. Please teach me. How does this help spread the word of Jesus Christ? What should this fear be motivating me to do? Do I have it all wrong?

Can we not hear our neighbors and work with them to find some common ground to make a better place for all of us?
What is it that the Liberals for which you so clearly hold destain are trying to do that tears us away from what God really wants for us, from what was once good about America? Did not the Liberals inspire changes to our social network that we may not work and still be healthy in our old ages? How about children going to school instead of working on farms or in factories from dawn to dusk? Having Sundays off to rest and worship? How about food and drugs that are safe to eat? Would not God want this security for us and did not Jesus preach for much of the same: “Take care of one another with love and compassion?” If not, I do not understand. Make me understand..

Are you, Andrew, a member of the "group perfectly suited to exposing the truth?" What is the truth? This what you have written seems full of hyperbole. Where are the facts? What about those with firewalls who merely work for the good of society yet have no education in the teachings of Christ because they have never been exposed for whatever reason including that their Christian parents did not act Christ-like or just could not, due to life circumstances, take them to church/? Is it not possible that their word shall also be heard? How can light be brought into the dark with so much absolute negativity and despair?

I have to say, I read for hope and for the word of Christ's love. I am left speechless and with little else but a feeling of pensive sadness.

I look forward to your enlightening response.

Love and peace to you, Andrew.


end 3

Andy Pierson said...

I am going to try to respond to at least the first few here as you took the time to be coherent and honest. I cannot address everything you said but the first few should begin to get you inside of my head.

“Can you please cite the empirical research that has determined this "majority" of voters exists?”

Pure unadulterated data? I don’t have it. Merely a sampling of those I’ve talked to over the last few months and read about. Polls didn’t capture this effect in 2016 nor are they doing so in 2020. That in conjunction with the historical precedence of Nixon in the late 1960’s who also ran on a platform of ‘law and order’ and also trailed in the polls going into the 1968 election. If history is any educator, we will see the same.

“Did not the group about which you write not vote for the charlatan who "leads" yet is devoid of Christianity, intellect, any truth, decency and humility? Pew: Young adults preferred Clinton over Trump by a wide 55%-37% margin. I may be incorrect, but much of your piece seems to relate to a populace who embraces nationalism and the narrative that can currently be heard coming from today's "Conservatives" in power., not to anti-fascists which is what “Antifa” is, no?”

I disagree on the ‘devoid of’ statement. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. God can still use a tyrant to do good in the world. Nebuchadnezzar for instance. I am no fan of Trump but there are some things (whether they were intentional or inadvertent) done by the orange man that can be construed as Christian. Defunding Planned Parenthood for instance. Attempting to institute law and order through the National Guard in Portland only to be rejected by an ideologically opposed politician.

Andy Pierson said...

“Where have you found evidence of these particular voters' "encouragement of BLM and defense of Antifa?" I have found none. What is the demographic breakdown of BLM protestors and “Antifa?”

Encouragement meaning or being the failure to do nothing to the contrary. Good men doing nothing usually allows evil to thrive. Its not like people are submitting to polls to acknowledge support of illegal activity and social malfeasance. Nor would you find accurate scientifically gleaned data of this phenomena. It is by its very nature ethereal and transient. Two descriptors that accurately describe the phantom nature of Antifa.

I found data from nonpartisan Pew, but it does not mention age: It seems antifascists are against fascism which, according to the above expert is exactly who currently governs. How can the young, dumb idiots be both anti-fascists by definition and at the same time not be voters for those currently in power?

I am 52 going on 53. Age is relative. I view myself as a youthful 52 so I consider anyone younger than me to be 'youth’. I know, its very relativistic of me. Lol. Secondly, Antifa is self-described as anti-fascist but are equivocating. They most certain use fascist tactics to accomplish their ends. They are virtually indistinguishable from the Nazi, Brown Shirts of the 1930’s. They use force, violence, propaganda and are funded, supported by indeterminant sources. They 'justify' these abhorrent behaviors as a means to suppress what they view as a greater evil (as does BLM). That evil being Conservatives in government and at-large AND Christians. Sadly, they are not delineating between the two that I can tell. They view them as synonymous. Unfortunately I believe that is the Conservative's and Christian's own fault for hitching their own wagons together in the 80's with Ralph Reed and Jerry Falwell leading the charge with the 'Christian Coalition' which was nothing more than syncretism.

Andy Pierson said...

Please explain how the following is fair? Isn’t it a bit disparaging to an entire group? Everyone has worth, does he not?

Yes, I am generalizing. I have seen little observational or empirical evidence to the contrary to lead me to believe otherwise.

"In terms of intellect, most of the idolizes can do little more than tie shoes and chew gum. Forget about thinking rationally and logically."

I made a snarky ad hominem attack. I am human, sinful and frustrated by what I see in society. You have my apologies for being a smartass.

“Are there at least some representatives from each denomination and faith with advanced degrees in relevant/related topics who agree with the basic tenets of BLM and ant-fascism?”

Yes, there are. They are misguided and overly eager to appease rather than teach proper theology. This includes, much to my surprise Al Mohler of the SBC and Southern Baptist University. Also, because one carries multiple degrees does not make one ‘intelligent’ it merely makes them educated. That in and of itself to misnomer and potential violation of the Law of Identity as does a lot of this comments section (ironically). I can only point you to the Dallas Statement as a concise explanation of my opinion on Social Justice and or Equality/Equanimity issues. I personally don’t want to type a book in this comments section.

If there are, then how can one castigate and negatively label both in totality? (Two days ago the FBI director testified that "antifa" is a troubling movement, not a group. Shuja Haider wrote, "There is a side that asserts our common humanity and fights fascism, racism, and hate." Fascists include Peron, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Bolsonaro, et al; not a nice, Christian lot. Why is anti-fascism negative in your eyes? Is my definition wrong or is yours?

Movement? Group? What is the difference? Again, I see inability to define ideas/terms here. Thereby and inability to identify an adversary or an ontological negative. Antifa is in my mind evil in what its attempting to subvert or replace. A flawed but generally good system of law and a decent constitution ...therefore I view it as an ontological parasite. Movement not group. Sounds akin to equivocation to my ears. Orwellian doublespeak. To speak without actually saying anything.

Andy Pierson said...

"Fascists aim to use the country's assets to increase the country's strength. This leads to a nationalization of assets, Montague said, and in this, fascism resembles Marxism" How could those who "encourage “Antifa “movements" be Marxists? They are opposites! More on antifascists:

You’re forming a false equivalence here and this is where I view you having veered dangerously off course in your assessments and assumptions. Your associating a group of people from the 20s and 30s in different circumstances and their motive and ends appears to have been different. The thing/entity they were battling are/were different. Their methodologies for achieving it appear to be a bit different. Second, I am not necessarily against everything Antifa stand for only against the methods for carrying some of it out and whom they carry it out on. The conservatives in the US government are not fascists any more than the democrats are. Yet Antifa website up until recently were contributing to the Biden campaign. (I’m libertarian btw). This isn’t Biden’s fault but it most certainly is Antifa’s. Along the same lines…if Antifa is so against fascism in the American system and constitution…why are they supporting the democratic party? Me thinks that either Antifa is being disingenuous or the US democratic party is ideological the same as Antifa…which is to say…fascist in its intent.

One of your comments was..."I came here for hope." You should not be coming to a person's own personal website for an Op-Ed or opinion piece for hope. I am nearly as disenchanted as many others are about what is happening right now in the USA and world at large. It is clear you and I have different ideological view points and different worldview. In truth I believe you should be looking in Scripture for the answers and peace...I am an merely writing an opinion. Opining...Peace my friend.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your responses.I appreciate that you took the time to do so. I have merely skimmed over the first three responses and then the last one appeared. 
I only know what I know. Reading scripture is not something I know how to do, as I have not done it since I was a child. Even then, I cannot say I was actually taught. I would have to find someone to teach me. During a Pandemic, this may prove to be difficult. We shall see. There is only so much time in a day. Still, I have music, long walks, exercise, and prayer. Those give me peace and help me to feel close to God. 
  "...Antifa…fascist in its intent." Antifa is not an organized group. I am not pro-antifa! How can Antifa be donating to Biden if they are not organized? I am not understanding how one can be Fascist and also "Antifa." Perhaps it is our  "different ideological viewpoints."  I need to do some further research to be able to clarify what my heart is telling me only that I may better understand where my ideological viewpoints lie in the realm of Christianity. This heart is a good, compassionate heart full of love for others. It is a heart which knows that 99.9% of people are born good. Life experiences batter and break them. I see the state we are in in this country as just that: many many souls, battered and broken, unable to heal. It has become my mission to better understand that and to help mitigate that healing. 
By your definition, I lack intelligence. I refuse to own that. My abundant gifts include empathy. I am sensing that your heart hurts, too, and deeply. This comes through in the writing I have read thus far. I will pray fervently that it shall be healed. 

Andy Pierson said...

One thing in particular jumps out at me and this may be the pivotal difference in our worldview. 99.9% of people are born good. I've written extensively on why this is not the case and Romans 3 speaks to this directly. We are not tabula rasa. We are 'imprinted' with (1) the way God wants us to be (Proverbs 22:6 which assumes God created people certain ways that they needed to be raised 'within' and educated in but also (2) also with imputed sin that is given to us through Adam or the first man (Romans 5). Being good isn't good enough. Who gets to define good as an absolute? (Acts 4:11-12, Ephesians 2:8). In all these Scripture references you would need to read the entirety of the pericope, letter or book they lie within to properly understand their full context. Romans and Ephesians are an epistles written by Paul the Apostle. I have no doubt you are a decent person though. Of course that is only my opinion so that is a relativistic truth :P

I suggest that as time allows we could correspond more. Andy

Andy Pierson said...

The fact that you would even consider that Scriptures are a credible source of truth tells me that we at least have a point of commonality and a point at which to start or engage in conversation.

Unknown said...

Dear Andy,
It is clear that I do not possess the analytical and methodical thinking skills with which you have clearly been blessed. I must work diligently to comprehend many complex thoughts. It is not the fault of my formal educators, but rather what has always been. It is how I was made and I accept this as what will always be. Yet, I will continue to use my "unintelligent" skill set so that I may discover a deeper meaning for my life, a strengthened faith, and clearer direction for fulfilling my purpose, which I previously stated is to help others. I have skimmed through your responses, researched a bit. There is much more that I could say but I only have the time to respond as I have below.

I have found that here are innumerable translations of Proverbs 20:6. My guess is that the same holds true for Romans 5 and Acts 4:11-12 as well as Ephesians 2:8. What I feel in my gut at this point, without any further research, only "hearing" what my, more than likely in your eyes, misguided heart says, is that those whom I know who worship Jesus, those whom I have known for just a short time or for the entirety of my life, those who have faith in Christ's teachings and use them to guide their lives, those who have done and continue to do "good works" as Jesus calls them to do, those Anglican, those Lutheran, those Catholic, those Calvinist, these whom I deeply respect, do not have the same "tone" as you do as you profess your love of God, Christ, Scripture and as you write of Love itself. What I am "reading" is a lack of joy and love and also an abundance of fear and shame. To my mind these are inherently incapable of attracting those who seek Salvation through Jesus Christ? How can those who seek Salvation even find it, if they do not know where to look? If they like I, stumble onto a “you,” how can they hear the message when it is so difficult to make sense of? Again, it is here where my "lack of intelligence" may be impeding my understanding. To add, inexplicably, my innate being, with no thought or research at all tells me that God has attracted me through his will and his grace, he resides within me. He loves me. I feel Him. I AM SURE. Is this not in itself "Good?" If it is "Good" why is it not good enough to be "Saved?" My assumption is, of course, that by your definition, it is not. If I was born with a sin that I have no idea exists and am therefore unable to “correct,” then I be damned? If God imprints us with the way He wants us to be, how is there any hope if He made us in a way that keeps us hidden from Christ's message and therefore we then lack the ability to be Saved? God loves all people, does he not? By your interpretation, does He not love me and what I feel in my soul is actually something other than I have expressed here? Perplexing. I have heard Him in John 3:16. It is not true that Christ's sacrifice was enough to pay the debt for me who comes to faith in Him?

Correspond? This is, of course, if I have not yet managed to frustrate or anger you to the point of abandon!

Peace and love,
W.M.U/WakeMeUp aka. Saskia/Sasi

Andy Pierson said...

I see that you've responded again. So we are clear. I am in no way implying or saying you are intellectually inferior. I believe you are remarkably tactful and articulated and analytical in your approach which is the way one needs to think. I personally assume and approach things with a validation mindset as I am, by trade a Quality Engineer. Trust but verify. Scientific method. I come to every situation assuming its not optimal and analyze it for error. It is in no way a put down. When I come to things and people like this in writing or texts it often comes off as dogmatic/condescending. It is a shame. If you knew me personally I would likely strike you completely different. This analytical or clinical approach comes off as cold, calculated....unloving. I was told exactly this by others until they met me in person then they are like, "You're nothing like your writing. You're actually pretty cool." My writing has not caught up with the perceived empathy of my persona in person I guess. Being an engineer by trade I guess I am about parleying the most information in the shortest form possible as I deal often with CEO, CFO, Board Members and I get short concise windows to make my case for budgets. I therefore use multi-syllable words that can contain multiple ideas simultaneously and I remove the superfluous in my writing. I could soften a little but I also fear losing someone's attention in a long post. We live in a society that is marked by brevity and curtness of timeframe. If I don't make my point in 30 seconds I usually lose my audience. That fact that I can tell you rad the article enough to capture its intent makes you the anomaly in terms of my readership. You are, exceptional in that respect :)

Andy Pierson said...

As for the multitude of interpretations...
What hermeneutic you approach the text with dictates your outcome. If a person seeks to find errors in text they will find them. If a person seeks to find truth in the text that is what they will find. Consider that when you read the multitude of interpretations. The text can only mean what it meant when the author wrote it and what their audience would've interpreted it to mean at the time of its receipt. In the time of Proverbs we are talking about the author mostly being Solomon in the 900BC timeframe. They also wouldn't have had the new testament or the prophets as a measure of truth to work from. They would've only had the Pentetuach or Torah. The books of the Law, possibly Judges, Joshua and Psalms from his father. If you want a simple explanation of a good hermeneutic to read the different types of Scriptural text I recommend this...

The Prophets are best understood reading these two books.

Andy Pierson said...

...and yes. I imagine there is an abundance of shame, distrust and sin in my persona. I have not had an easy life. Having said this I have often asked myself what pieces of myself would I be best served divesting myself of. Wat attributes would I like to gain. I realize God has made and shaped me within certain guidelines and tasks. I am always looking at my toolbox and looking at my tasks that God has laid before me. I adapt. I change. I merge. I diverge. I ask myself how much of what I am to throw away and how much of the abrasiveness I need to retain because it suits me for some of the tasks Christ has for me. I admittedly am in the perpetual state of sanctification. I will be until I reach glorification in death. I have plenty of fault and personality flaws. I embrace some and try to rid myself of the more baneful ones. Peace, Andy

Unknown said...

Dear Andy,

You mentioned "educated" not "intelligent," so that is what I thought you meant. You are correct, if you have empathy at all, is has indeed not caught up.

How do you know the task Christ has in store for you?

Unknown said...

Abrasive, even scary, but something lovely, too. I sense

AS far as readying, I dabble. I have no interest in reading about how to read Scripture. I will pick it up in the old way, from those who say they know.

Unknown said...

Shame is self defeating. You your hurt yourself with the deed, and doubly with the shame. Love is the answer.W e can be so brutal to the self. Brutal for reasons we think are justifiable later only to find out there was no justification at all. Forgive yourself.

Unknown said...

Sorry for the numerous errors.

I came back to say, "Forget it. It is none of my concern what He has in store for you now, isn't it?" Clearly it includes "opining" that reached, at least me who has nowhere near the the "quality" of faith which you have. I have read things here that I never knew existed, sadly mostly horrifying. Isolation has a way of finding ways to keep one feeling engaged.

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